This repository is deprecated and automated Docker builds have been disabled, the final version being 3.x.
Calibre 4 has been released, use linuxserver/calibre instead and select library/metadata location on first startup.
Run the Calibre X app accessible in a web browser.
On unRaid, install from the Community Repositories and enter the app folder location and the port for the webUI.
On other platforms, you can run this docker with the following command:
docker run -d --name="RDP-Calibre" -e EDGE="0" -e WIDTH="1280" -e HEIGHT="720" -v /path/to/config:/config:rw -e TZ=America/New_York -p XXXX:8080 -p YYYY:8081 cgspeck/docker-rdp-calibre
- Replace the variable "/path/to/config" with your choice of folder on your system. That is where the config and the library files will reside, and they will survive an update, reinstallation, etc. of the container.
- Change "XXXX" to a port of your choice, it will be the port for the main Calibre GUI
- Change "YYYY" to a port of your choice, it will be the port for the Calibre webserver
- If you would like to have the latest updates, change the EDGE variable to "1", and the container will update calibre to the latest version every time it is restarted
- If you'd like to change the resolution for the GUI, you can modify the WIDTH and HEIGHT variables
- IMPORTANT: On first start, select "/config" as the library location in the Calibre wizard
- Calibre webserver can be enabled from the calibre gui under Preferences/Sharing over the net. Port has to be set to 8081
You can access the GUI by pointing your web browser to http://SERVERIP:XXXX/#/client/c/Calibre
You can access the Calibre webserver by pointing your web browser to http://SERVERIP:YYYY
(Replace SERVERIP, XXXX and YYYY with your values)
If you would like to change the library location you need to do a couple of things:
- First add a new mount point for the library location in the docker run command. Example: -v /path/to/library:/library:rw
- Then add an environment variable (LIBRARYINTERNALPATH) to specify the internal library location for the webserver. Example: -e LIBRARYINTERNALPATH="/library"
- When you fire up calibre the first time select your library location. Example: /library
- Add an environment variable (URLPREFIX) to docker run to specify the url prefix for the webserver. Example: -e URLPREFIX="/calibre"
- To access the webserver, go to http://SERVERIP:YYYY/calibre
- This is useful when you use a custom library location, to make the UID and GID of calibre match the owner/group of that path
- Add an environment variable USER_ID and GROUP_ID, e.g.
-e USER_ID=503 -e GROUP_ID=101
- The default USER_ID is 99 and GROUP_ID is 100
- 2019-01-05: Exposed CalibreCompanion ("Wireless device connection") on its default port of
- 2017-02-18: Forked from aptalca/docker-rdp-calibre and fixed
is respected. - 2016-09-16: Remove X1-lock if exists, which prevents start up following an unclean shutdown
- 2016-09-15: Updated base to x11rdp1.3, which now supports clipboard through the left hand side menu (ctrl+alt+shift) - calibre updated to 2.67