Some extensions to the vanilla functions syntax
- Libraries
- Constants
- Custom commands
- Self namespaces
- Anonymous functions
- Inline functions
- Else statements
- For loops
- Execute optimization (removes 'execute run')
features ending with a question mark are ones i'm not sure of
- function arguments?
- idk what else yet but you can suggest your ideas ;)
this example would be compiled to 3 files located next to test.extmcfunction: text.mcfunction, zombie_detected.mcfunction and pog.mcfunction
# test.extmcfunction
execute unless entity @s run say not bruh :(
else if entity @e[type=zombie] run function :zombie_detected {
say yooo
say duuuude
function :pog {
say this is Pog
else if entity @e[type=boat] run say bruh
else run say gimme B O A T S