This is the implementation of Osu!'s Open Source 4k7k display issue
Link to Issue: ppy/osu#30827 Link to Repo:
Since the repo for the application is very large, here are the 5 files I have implemented for easier viewing. The exact locations for the files in the repo are as follows:
RankGraph.cs: /osu/osu.Game/Overlays/Profile/Header/Components/RankGraph.cs
UserRankPanel.cs: /Users/kenrooyama/Documents/UofT/ECE444/proj2/osu/osu.Game/Users/UserRankPanel.cs
UserProfileOverlay.cs: /Users/kenrooyama/Documents/UofT/ECE444/proj2/osu/osu.Game/Overlays/UserProfileOverlay.cs
GetUserRequest.cs: /Users/kenrooyama/Documents/UofT/ECE444/proj2/osu/osu.Game/Online/API/Requests/GetUserRequest.cs
RecentSection.cs: /Users/kenrooyama/Documents/UofT/ECE444/proj2/osu/osu.Game/Overlays/Profile/Sections/RecentSection.cs
NOTE: This code is still incomplete, however, done for the purpose of the ECE444 Project 2 Assignment. Due to the insufficient support from the backend portion of this application, which requires involvement from the core developers, this issue was unable to be fully resolved.