Open-Source-in-the-Enterprise 한글 리뷰본
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PDF를 배포하여 외부 리뷰 준비중
- Acknowledgments
- 역자 서문
- Table of Contents
- Open Source in the Enterprise
- Why Are Companies and Governments Turning to Open Source?
- More Than a License or Even Code
- Groundwork for Understanding Open Source
- Terminology: Free and Open Source
- Adopting and Using Open Source Code
- Create and Document an Internal Open Source Policy
- Formalize Your Strategy Through an OSPO
- Build Ties Throughout the Company
- Assess Potential Projects
- Comply with the License
- Manage Community Code as Seriously as the Code You Create
- Change Your Reward and Management Structure
- Ego and Open Source
- Participating in a Project’s Community
- Quality and Security: A Comparison of Open and Closed Source
- Contributing to Open Source Projects
- Establish the "Why" Throughout the Company
- Hire from the Community
- Develop Mentoring and Support
- Set Rules for Participation
- Foster Open Communication
- Launching an Open Source Project
- Choose a License
- Open the Code Right Out of the Gate
- Use Best Practices for Stable Code
- Set Up Public Discussion Forums
- Make Life Easy for Newbies
- Keep Up Communication
- Adopt Metrics and Measurement
- Release the Project to an Independent Governance Organization
- Open Source and the Cloud
- Conclusion
- About Authors
- 역자 소개 (각자 자기 소개 추가 필요)
- 이 책에 있는 모든 외부 링크 (확인 필요)