- Heroku account
- Heroku CLI
- git
- Slack workspace with admin privilege
- Firebase
- Create a slack custom integration if you have not already
git clone git@github.com:mochahub/coinprice-alert.git
cd coinprice-alert
- Create a heroku project (skip if its already set up)
heroku login
heroku create
git push heroku master
- Setup Firebase
- Create a firebase project at https://firebase.google.com/
- Create a database
- Download a private key from settings -> Service Accounts
- Rename this file to firestore-admin.json
- Setup Environment Variables:
- These can also be configured on the web client for heroku
# Mandatory
heroku config:set SLACK_WEBHOOK="{slack incoming web hook}"
environment variable needs to be manually updated in the heroku UI with the contents offirestore-admin.json
- Verify that the script works
heroku run python3 ./__main__.py
- Install and configure the scheduler via the CLI
- configure frequency as desired
heroku addons:create scheduler:standard
heroku addons:open scheduler
# Under Run Command: python3 ./__main__.py