Chainkit detects adversarial anti-forensic tampering techniques that attackers use to evade detection and prolong dwell times inside a system.
For an overview of how Chainkit helps secure your sensitive data and log files, please visit and sign up for a FREE 14-day trial today!
This repo provides instructions on getting started with our RESTful APIs to register your data and log files and verify that they have not been tampered with.
Start by reading the Chainkit API Quickstart in this directory.
If you need a username and password to access the Chainkit APIs, please sign up for our 14-day free trial at
You can also email us at: for more information on our products.
Assuming a pre-built ELK environment, get started by downloading the gem file and following the configuration steps found at
To get started in Splunk, please download the Chainkit Add-On from Splunkbase, available in Splunk>Enterprise or Splunkbase
Copyright (c) 2019-Present PencilDATA Inc.
Please see accompanying LICENSE. Please send us your feedback and inquiries to
Feedback and Pull requests Welcome.