Repo containing all tutorial files from "Procedurally generated NFTs: Being an artist as a developer" originally published on the Chainstack blog. Contains scripts, contracts, ABI, BIN, and JSON files needed to create a new wallet, check its balance, compile an NFT contract, and mint NFTs using custom procedurally generated metadata on the Ethereum network.
Find the full tutorial article available on the Chainstack blog:
Clone or fork this repo to a preferred location. Install dependencies by running in CLI:
npm install
Generate a new wallet address and key pair by running in CLI:
node keys.js
Check wallet balance by running in CLI:
node balance.js
Deploy the NFT minter smartcontract from the ABI & BIN files by running in CLI:
node deploy.js
Mint an NFT with the metadata from one of the JSON files by running in CLI:
node mint.js
Generate, merge and mint 3 image layers with corresponding metadata
node generate.js
- keys.js - Script to generate a wallet address and key pair
- balance.js - Script to check the balance of a wallet address
- PCHNFT.sol - Smartcontract supporting functions to mint NFTs with custom tokenURI
- PCHNFT_sol_PlaceholderHeroes.abi - ABI compiled from the NFT minter smartcontract
- PCHNFT_sol_PlaceholderHeroes.bin - BIN compiled from the NFT minter smartcontract
- node_modules_@openzeppelin*.* - ABI & BIN files compiled from the contract dependencies
- deploy.js - Script to deploy the NFT minter smartcontract from the ABI & BIN files
- testorius.json - JSON array containing metadata needed to mint the Testorius NFT (1/3)
- lorema.json - JSON array containing metadata needed to mint the Lorema NFT (2/3)
- sampli.json - JSON array containing metadata needed to mint the Sampli NFT (3/3)
- mint.js - Script to mint an NFT with the metadata from one of the JSON arrays
- .env - Dotenv file containing pre-formatted slots needed for key script variables
- generate.js - Script to generate, merge and mint 3 image layers with corresponding metadata
- Node endpoint - Get one for free at:
- Web3.js - Collection of libraries for Web3 interaction:
- @openzeppelin/contracts - Smartcontract library:
- Solc.js - Solidity compiler library installed globally:
- Dotenv - Environment file library to process key variables: OR
- random-words - Library that generates a set of random words with pre-set number:
- text-to-image - Library that renders text into image:
- jdenticon - Library that generates a random icon based on text seed:
- canvas - Library that allows image drawing based on code input:
- image-data-uri - Library that renders dataURI to image file:
- merge-images - Library that merges several image layers into one:
- axios - HTTP request parser to handle IPFS upload:
- form-data - Metadata generator library for file metadata uploaded to IPFS:
- Contract:
- Testorius:
- Lorema:
- Sampli:
- Procedural: