LibreHealth EHR is a free and open-source electronic health records and medical practice management application.
The mission of LibreHealth is to help provide high quality medical care to all people, regardless of race, socioeconomic status, or geographic location, by providing medical practices and clinics across the globe access to free of charge medical software. That same software is designed to save clinics both time and money, which gives practitioners more time to spend with individual patients, thereby supplying patients with higher quality care.
We are current and former contributors to OpenEMR and thank that community for years of hard work. We intend to honor that legacy by allowing this new community to leverage the good things in OpenEMR, share what we create and not be afraid to break backward compatibility in the name of forward progress and modern development models.
We are collaborating closely with the LibreHealth Project, an umbrella organization for health IT projects with similar goals.
- Tech-Stack
- Requirements
- Installation
- Usage
- Documentation
- Testing
- Contributing
- Security
- Credits
- License
Make sure your server meets the following requirements.
- Apache 2.2+ or nginx
- MySQL Server 5.7.8+ , Mariadb 10.3.2+ or PostgreSQL
- Composer installed 2.0+
- PHP Version 8.0.x+
- Redis 3.0+
Make sure you have the following php extensions enabled
bz2, curl, date, dom, exif, gd, gettext, grpc,
imagick, intl, json, libxml, mbstring, mysqli, mysqlnd, openssl, pcntl, PDO,
pdo_mysql, posix, protobuf, redis, soap, sqlite3, xml, xmlreader, xmlwriter
xsl, zip, zlib
If you face issues while enabaling these extension, visit here
Install composer with the help of the instructions given here
$ wget
$ chmod +x composer.phar
$ mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer
Install Node.js/NPM with the help of the instructions given here
Linux/Unix yum install npm
OR using MacOs brew install node
Fork and/or clone this project by running the following command
$ git clone
Navigate into the project's directory
$ cd lh-ehr-laravel
Copy .env.example for .env and modify according to your credentials
cp .env.example .env
Run this command to install dependencies
composer install --prefer-dist
This command will install all dependencies needed by the LibreHealth EHR platform to run successfully!
Generate application key
php artisan key:generate
Install npm/yarn dependencies (Preference is using Yarn)
npm install or yarn install
This command will help migrate the database and populate the database!
php artisan migrate --seed
Or if for any reason, you wish to reset the database later, you can run
php artisan migrate:fresh --seed
Run yarn/npm in dev mode
npm run dev
OR yarn run dev
For live building of components while developing, you can run
npm run watch
OR npm run watch-poll
Run the default laravel server
php artisan serve
To view LibreaHealth's EHR Platform, go to:
If you want to serve to another port for example (3000), Run the following
php artisan serve --host=<your_ip_address> --port=3000
Then view it on the browser by typing http://<your_ip_address>:3000
By default, two(02) accounts are created with default roles - super_admin and admin which are all active.
Super Admin Account:
- Username:
- Email:
- Password:
- Username:
Admin Account (recommended):
- Username:
- Email:
- Password:
- Username:
Testing is very essential as this helps us to avoid bad practices and breaking code.
To test the application, ensure to have the test env variables in the .env.testing
file, if not create one using the
cp .env.example .env.testing
Create a database for testing. Here, we will be using mysql for our db test since it supports column dropping etc,
You can use pgsql, if you like by changing the default connection lh_ehr_testing
driver pgsql in the config/database.php
By default, the test connection is added to the phpunit.xml
file. Feel free to edit this if needed to suit your custom
database connection by changing the <env name="DB_CONNECTION" value="lh_ehr_testing"/>
<env name="DB_CONNECTION" value="custom_connection"/>
Create the test database (lh_ehr_test) and re-migrate your data and seed using the following command
php artisan migrate --database=lh_ehr_testing
php artisan db:seed --database=lh_ehr_testing
Or fresh install php artisan migrate:fresh --database=lh_ehr_testing --seed
Run the tests using:
$ composer test
Official documentation is available Here.
We use Php CodeSniffer to ensure
code quality and we all are using the same standards. This is enabled by default for this
project and incorporated in the hooks when committing .git/hooks
It is however advised to install this globally so as to manage a variety of projects
composer require global squizlabs/php_codesniffer
- When you have modified or made changes to a file, ensure to run
to ensure all files are valid or fix them using./vendor/bin/phpcbf
Also you can use pre-commit hooks to point the git hooks to the .githooks
by running git config core.hooksPath .githooks
for validating upon committing.
Before opening an issue, please refer to the troubleshoot guide
Please see for details and a todolist.
If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.
LibreHealth EHR is primarily licensed under Mozilla Public License Version 2. The code inherited from OpenEMR is licensed under GPL 2 or higher. This project is a part of the Software Freedom Conservancy family.
Thank you for your support!