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Python library used for ADS1x15 analog to digital converter


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Python library for I2C ADC ADS1015, ADS1115, and similar analog to digital converter. This library works with Raspberry pi or other SBC using I2C bus under Linux kernel.

For using I2C ADC with Arduino, you can check similar library in this link.


This library should work for the devices mentioned below, although not all sensors support all functionality.

Device Channels Resolution Max sps Comparator ProgGainAMP Notes
ADS1013 1 12 3300 N N
ADS1014 1 12 3300 Y Y
ADS1015 4 12 3300 Y Y
ADS1113 1 16 860 N N
ADS1114 1 16 860 Y Y
ADS1115 4 16 860 Y Y Tested

As the 1015 and the 1115 are both 4 channels these are the most interesting from functionality point of view as these can also do differential measurement.


Using pip

Using terminal run following command.

pip3 install ADS1x15-ADC

Using Git and Build Package

To using latest update of the library, you can clone then build python package manually. Using this method require setuptools and wheel module.

git clone
cd ADS1x15-ADC
python3 bdist_wheel
pip3 install dist/ADS1x15_ADC-1.2.1-py3-none-any.whl

Enabling I2C Interface

Before using the library, I2C interface must be enabled. For Raspberry pi OS, this is done by set I2C interface enable using raspi-config or edit /boot/config.txt by adding following line.



The address of the ADS1113/4/5 is determined by to which pin the ADDR is connected to:

ADDR pin connected to Address Notes
GND 0x48 default
VDD 0x49
SDA 0x4A
SCL 0x4B

To initialize the library you must call constructor as described below.

  • ADS1x15() base constructor, should not be used.
  • ADS1013(I2C_busId, I2C_address) Constructor with I2C bus id, and optional device address as parameter.
  • ADS1014(I2C_busId, I2C_address) Constructor with I2C bus id, and optional device address as parameter.
  • ADS1015(I2C_busId, I2C_address) Constructor with I2C bus id, and optional device address as parameter.
  • ADS1113(I2C_busId, I2C_address) Constructor with I2C bus id, and optional device address as parameter.
  • ADS1114(I2C_busId, I2C_address) Constructor with I2C bus id, and optional device address as parameter.
  • ADS1115(I2C_busId, I2C_address) Constructor with I2C bus id, and optional device address as parameter.

For example.

import ADS1x15

# initialize ADS1115 on I2C bus 1 with default address 0x48
ADS = ADS1x15.ADS1115(1)


Programmable Gain

  • setGain(gain: int) set the gain value, indicating the maxVoltage that can be measured. Adjusting the gain allowing to make more precise measurements. Note: the gain is not set in the device until an explicit read/request of the ADC (any read call will do). See table below.
  • getGain() returns the gain value (index).
PGA value Max Voltage Constant Notes
0 ±6.144V PGA_6_144V default
1 ±4.096V PGA_4_096V
2 ±2.048V PGA_2_048V
4 ±1.024V PGA_1_024V
8 ±0.512V PGA_0_512V
16 ±0.256V PGA_0_256V
  • getMaxVoltage() returns the max voltage with the current gain.
  • toVoltage(raw: int) converts a raw measurement to a voltage. Can be used for normal and differential measurements. The default value of 1 returns the conversion factor for any raw number.

The voltage factor can also be used to set HIGH and LOW threshold registers with a voltage in the comparator mode. Check the examples.

  f = ADS.toVoltage()
  ADS.setComparatorThresholdLow( 1.5 / f )
  ADS.setComparatorThresholdHigh( 2.5 / f )

Operational mode

The ADS sensor can operate in single shot or continuous mode. Depending on how often conversions needed you can tune the mode.

  • setMode(mode: int) 0 = MODE_CONTINUOUS, 1 = MODE_SINGLE (default) Note: the mode is not set in the device until an explicit read/request of the ADC (any read call will do).
  • getMode() returns current mode 0 or 1, or INVALID_MODE = -1.

Data rate

  • setDataRate(dataRate: int) Data rate depends on type of device. For all devices the index 0..7 can be used, see table below. Values above 7 ==> will be set to the default 4. Note: the data rate is not set in the device until an explicit read/request of the ADC (any read call will do).
  • getDataRate() returns the current data rate (index).

Data rate in samples per second, based on datasheet is described on table below.

data rate ADS101x ADS111x Constant Constant Notes
0 128 SPS 8 SPS DR_ADS101X_128 DR_ADS111X_8 slowest
1 250 SPS 16 SPS DR_ADS101X_250 DR_ADS111X_16
2 490 SPS 32 SPS DR_ADS101X_490 DR_ADS111X_32
3 920 SPS 64 SPS DR_ADS101X_920 DR_ADS111X_64
4 1600 SPS 128 SPS DR_ADS101X_1600 DR_ADS111X_128 default
5 2400 SPS 250 SPS DR_ADS101X_2400 DR_ADS111X_250
6 3300 SPS 475 SPS DR_ADS101X_3300 DR_ADS111X_475
7 3300 SPS 860 SPS DR_ADS101X_3300 DR_ADS111X_860 fastest

ReadADC Single mode

Reading the ADC in single mode is very straightforward, the readADC() function handles all in one call. This function will wait until conversion finished.

  • readADC(pin: int) normal ADC functionality, pin = 0..3. If the pin number is out of range, this function will return 0.
# read ADC in pin 0

See examples.

To read the ADC in an asynchronous way (e.g. to minimize blocking) you need call three functions:

  • requestADC(pin: int) Start the conversion. pin = 0..3.
  • isBusy() (Is the conversion not ready yet?) or isReady() (Is the conversion ready?) Works only in SINGLE mode!
  • getValue() Read the result of the conversion.
# configuration things here
ADS.requestADC(0)               # request on pin 0

if ADS.isReady() :
    value = ADS.getValue()
    ADS.requestADC(0)           # request new conversion
# do other things here

See examples.

ReadADC Differential

For reading the ADC in a differential way there are 4 calls possible.

  • readADC_Differential_0_1() returns the difference between 2 ADC pins.
  • readADC_Differential_0_3() ADS1x15 only
  • readADC_Differential_1_3() ADS1x15 only
  • readADC_Differential_2_3() ADS1x15 only
# read differential ADC between pin 0 and 1

The differential reading of the ADC can also can be done using asynchronous calls.

  • requestADC_Differential_0_1() starts conversion for differential reading
  • requestADC_Differential_0_3() ADS1x15 only
  • requestADC_Differential_1_3() ADS1x15 only
  • requestADC_Differential_2_3() ADS1x15 only

After one of these calls you need to call

  • getValue() Read the result of the last conversion.

See examples.

ReadADC continuous mode

To use the continuous mode you need call three functions:

  • setMode(0) 0 = MODE_CONTINUOUS, 1 = MODE_SINGLE (default). Note: the mode is not set in the device until an explicit read/request of the ADC (any read call will do).
  • readADC(pin: int) or requestADC(pin: int) to get the continuous mode started.
  • getValue() to return the last value read by the device. Note this can be a different pin, so be warned. Calling this over and over again can give the same value multiple times.
# configuration things here
ADS.requestADC(0)               # request on pin 0

while True :
    value = ADS.getValue()

See examples.

In continuous mode, you can't use isBusy() or isReady() functions to wait until new data available. Instead you can configure ALERT/RDY pin to trigger an interrupt signal when conversion data ready.

Configure RDY pin interrupt signal

Interrupt signals on the ALERT/RDY pin can be triggered every conversion data ready. This is done by setting Hi_thresh register MSB to 1 and the Lo_thresh register MSB to 0.

  • setComparatorThresholdLow(lo: int) set 0x8000 as parameter.
  • setComparatorThresholdHigh(hi: int) set 0x7FFF as parameter.

See examples.


Please read Page 15 of the datasheet as the behaviour of the comparator is not trivial.

NOTE: all comparator settings are copied to the device only after calling readADC() or requestADC() functions.

Comparator Mode

When configured as a TRADITIONAL comparator, the ALERT/RDY pin asserts (active low by default) when conversion data exceed the limit set in the high threshold register. The comparator then de-asserts when the input signal falls below the low threshold register value.

  • setComparatorMode(mode: int) value 0 = COMP_MODE_TRADITIONAL 1 = COMP_MODE_WINDOW,
  • getComparatorMode() returns value set.

If the comparator LATCH is set, the ALERT/RDY pin asserts and it will be reset after reading the sensor (conversion register) again. An SMB alert command (00011001) on the I2C bus will also reset the alert state. Not implemented in the library (yet)

In WINDOW comparator mode, the ALERT/RDY pin asserts if conversion data exceeds the high threshold register or falls below the low threshold register. In this mode the alert is held if the LATCH is set. This is similar as above.


Default state of the ALERT/RDY pin is LOW, can be to set HIGH.

  • setComparatorPolarity(pol) Flag is only explicitly set after a readADC() or a requestADC()
  • getComparatorPolarity() returns value set.


Holds the ALERT/RDY to HIGH (or LOW depending on polarity) after triggered even if actual value has been 'restored to normal' value.

  • setComparatorLatch(latch: int) 0 = NO LATCH, not 0 = LATCH
  • getComparatorLatch() returns value set.


Set the number of conversions before trigger activates. The setComparatorQueConvert(mode: int) is used to set the number of conversions that exceed the threshold before the ALERT/RDY pin is set HIGH. A value of 3 (or above) effectively disables the comparator. See table below.

  • setComparatorQueConvert(mode: int) See table below.
  • getComparatorQueConvert() returns value set.
Value Constant Meaning Notes
0 COMP_QUE_1_CONV trigger alert after 1 conversion
1 COMP_QUE_2_CONV trigger alert after 2 conversions
2 COMP_QUE_4_CONV trigger alert after 4 conversions
3 COMP_QUE_NONE Disable comparator default

Threshold registers comparator mode

Depending on the comparator mode TRADITIONAL or WINDOW the thresholds registers mean something different. See Comparator Mode section or datasheet for more information.

  • setComparatorThresholdLow(lo) set the low threshold; take care the hi >= lo.
  • setComparatorThresholdHigh(hi) set the high threshold; take care the hi >= lo.
  • getComparatorThresholdLow() reads value from device.
  • getComparatorThresholdHigh() reads value from device.

Future ideas & improvements

  • Improve documentation
  • More examples ?
  • SMB alert command (00011001) on I2C bus?


See examples in this link