#Finding Lane Lines on the Road
The goals / steps of this project are the following:
- Make a pipeline that finds lane lines on the road
- Test the pipeline on test images
- Test the pipeline on test videos
- Test the pipeline on challenge video and make adjustments
- Convert the image to grayscale
- Apply Gaussian blur
- Apply Canny edge detection
- Mask out edges image with region of interests
- Apply Hough algorithm on the masked edge detected image to obtain line segments.
- Draw the line segments on the original image
- Divide line segments into two groups: left side and right side.
- For each side, find out the maximum/minimum x and y value among points of all line segments.
- create a new line segment with the corner points found out in previous step.
- append the new line segment to the original line segment array
- solidWhiteCurve
- solidWhiteRight
- solidYellowCurve
- solidYellowCurve2
- solidYellowLeft
- whiteCarLaneSwitch
- white.mp4(click
View Raw
to download) - yellow.mp4(click
View Raw
to download) - extra.mp4(click
View Raw
to download)
###2. Identify potential shortcomings with your current pipeline
- It can't identify thin lane lines on the far end.
- Corner point calculation is buggy. It draws random straight line sometimes.
- It completely fails on the challenge video.
###3. Suggest possible improvements to your pipeline
- Make use of
's built-in box-bound function. - Add some color filters to make it able to handle special road color.