You can create data extensions to store any persistent data including mailings lists with specific data. If you wanted to create a mailing list and also store
additional data i.e. fields
outside of the subscribers list you would do so with a data extension. Data Extensions can also store data to be used for building content
like emails.
Data Extensions can't be edited in Salesforce unless exporting the list then make edits and then reimport. Alternative would be to build a form that can retrieve and update Data Extensions via an API call see Salesforce Documentation on Server Side Javascript Data Extension Functions
When documentation or code refers to CustomerKey
this is a reference to the External Key
and can be found in the Data Extension in the Email > Subscribers
tab once there find the
Data Extensions
in the left hand menu. After selecting the appropriate Data Extension you can find the External Key
under the properties
tab for that Data Extension
To perform retrievals on Data Extensions see the examples below with Server Side Javascript and the Data Extensions working_at_chapman_list
- Results will always return an array
var cols = ["section", "content", "email-title", "link", "time", "location", "position", "monday-date", "wednesday-date"];
var customerKey = "19ED2973-3D94-4D9D-806B-7E8FAEF10E5E"
var filter = {
Property: "id",
SimpleOperator: "equals",
Value: "02/01/21-02/10/21-1611732337907"
try {
var data = proxy.retrieve("DataExtensionObject[" + customerKey + "]", cols, filter);
} catch(err) {
// returned data obj
"Status": "OK",
"RequestID": "1b5551c5-6eed-41e0-9d45-5592dfef7c76",
"Results": [{
"Name": null,
"Keys": null,
"Type": "DataExtensionObject",
"Properties": [{
"Name": "section",
"Value": "event"
}, {
"Name": "content",
"Value": "Hello World"
}, {
"Name": "email-title",
"Value": "Fourth Title To Use"
}, {
"Name": "link",
"Value": ""
}, {
"Name": "time",
"Value": "11:00pm"
}, {
"Name": "location",
"Value": "Chapman Plaza 3"
}, {
"Name": "position",
"Value": "0"
}, {
"Name": "monday-date",
"Value": "02/01/21"
}, {
"Name": "wednesday-date",
"Value": "02/10/21"
"Client": null,
"PartnerKey": null,
"PartnerProperties": null,
"CreatedDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00.000",
"ModifiedDate": null,
"ID": 0,
"ObjectID": null,
"CustomerKey": null,
"Owner": null,
"CorrelationID": null,
"ObjectState": null,
"IsPlatformObject": false
"HasMoreRows": false
When defining the colummns to retrieve data the order specificed in the array is the order in which the data will be retrieved example below
// if the columns are defined in this order
var cols = ["section", "content", "link", "time", "location", "position", "email-title"];
// the data retreived will be in the exact order
[{"Name":"section","Value":"event"}, {"Name":"content","Value":"The content of the event is contained here"}, {"Name":"link","Value":""}, {"Name":"time","Value":"1:00pm"}, {"Name":"location","Value":"Chapman Plaza"}, {"Name":"position","Value":"0"}, {"Name":"email-title","Value":"Event Title"}]
To use Server Side Javascript to create an email this can be done through getting an access token and performing the appropriate Rest Api calls for the Content Builder Endpoint
Email creation in SFMC is done through Content Builder API Not through WSProxy See Salesforce Documentation on Content Builder API
A category is what a folder is called in Salesforce Marketing Cloud. They have specific types so to save an email in a category (folder) the category type must match
To save an email to a specific folder the CategoryId
needs to be set to the appropriate folder, to find the Folder CategoryId
navigate to Content Builder
check the box for Show Folders
and under the Gear Icon located on the right hand side make sure ID
is selected and it should display the ID
for that folder which is the CategoryId
Salesforce content builder is where all content for salesforce is held i.e. emails, images, code snippets, content blocks
To perform CRUD operations Salesforce provides a rest api to interact with In order to perform those operations though an authentication token must be provided with the request
Token authorization for Salesforce Marketing Cloud must be done in a request with the appropriate token authoriztion headers see documentation. To create a rest api endpoint for token retrieval and rest api access you will need Michael or William to create an api integration see documentation once created they will provide you with a client ID and client secret to use in your request for an auth token
Custom Content Blocks can be used to create content for the digital marketing team for use in email & landing pages
<script runat=server>
var subInit = Subscriber.Init('');
var subLists = subInit.Lists.Retrieve();
The Response only dislays the two subscriptions of the Strategic Marketing and Communications BU
and not the shared subscription list of Diversity and Inclusion Newsletter
"List": {
"ID": 697,
"Name": "SMC Web Newsletter",
"Description": "Strategic and Marketing newsletter about web news",
"Type": "Public",
"CreatedDate": "2021-01-04T22:26:13.283"
"CreatedDate": "2021-01-14T19:42:00.000",
"Status": "Active"
}, {
"List": {
"ID": 707,
"Name": "chris-test",
"Description": "",
"Type": "Public",
"CreatedDate": "2021-01-12T23:28:25.600"
"CreatedDate": "2021-01-12T23:30:00.000",
"Status": "Active"
When retrieving subscribers by list the external key is used this is the example and response for the list chris-test
the subscriber is subscribed too
<script runat=server>
var myList = List.Init('chris-test - 2319');
var subs = myList.Subscribers.Retrieve();
"ID": 6932704,
"EmailAddress": "",
"SubscriberKey": "",
"PartnerKey": null,
"Status": "Active",
"CreatedDate": "2020-12-17T20:35:00.000",
"UnsubscribedDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00.000",
"EmailTypePreference": "HTML"
The response is empty when using the external key for the shared subscription list Diversity and Inclusion Newsletter
var myList = List.Init('Diversity and Inclusion Newsletter ');
var subs = myList.Subscribers.Retrieve();
When trying to preview WSProxy retrieves in the SFMC IDE theres an error that prevents WSProxy from working below is the error, This error looks like it believes the WSProxy is trying to retrieve in an email enviornment
{"message":"Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.","description":"System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. - from mscorlib --> \r\n\r\n --- inner exception 1---\r\n\r\nExactTarget.OMM.FunctionExecutionException: WSProxy object is not valid in sendable content. This function is only allowed in non-sendable content.\r\n Object: Script.Util.WSProxy()\r\n Error Code: OMM_FUNC_CONTEXT_ERR\r\n - from OMMCommon\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n"}