This repository contains the configuration files for the tools and applications I use.
takes the configuration files and symlinks them to their expected location. There exist programs to manage dotfiles, but I prefer the simplicity of this method.
- Theme: Catppuccin frappe
- Shell: Fish
- Text editor: Helix
- Terminal multiplexer: Zellij
client: Gituigrep
alternative: Ripgrepfind
alternative: fdsed
alternative: sdcat
alternative: batdiff
alternative: Delta- fuzzy-finder: fzf
tool: qsv- file browser: broot
- bulk rename edir
- add api key to keychain
- add to fish config:
set -gx OPENAI_API_KEY (
security find-generic-password -a "$USER" -s "OPENAI_API_KEY" -w
brew install fish helix zellij gitui ripgrep fd sd bat delta fzf qsv