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Centralize in a Repository and Automate Schema Management for Microservices with a Schema Registry. It’s especially useful for Kafka projects requiring structured and scalable schema management.


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Centralize Your Schema Files in One Git Repository

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Why Schema Manager?

  • Centralize schema files (Avro, Protobuf, JSON) in a single Git repository.
  • Integrate schema deployment to the Schema Registry and automate model generation and distribution in a centralized CI/CD pipeline.
  • Automate schema transformations.
  • Resolve schema dependencies in JSON configurations to eliminate redundancy and improve maintainability.

Sample Repo Demo: Try the example here in just a few minutes.
Guide: Scenario Example


In modern microservices architectures, separating concerns is essential for achieving scalability and maintainability. Managing schema files (e.g., Avro, Protobuf, JSON) across multiple services can quickly become complex and error-prone, especially when each microservice maintains its own schemas and handles their publication to a schema registry (e.g., Confluent Schema Registry).

Schema Manager addresses these challenges by centralizing schema management and delegation. It maintains schema files in a centralized Git repository and handles deployment to the target Schema Registry (typically through a CI/CD pipeline).

By enforcing this separation of concerns, Schema Manager simplifies schema management across services and ensures a clear separation of responsibilities, allowing microservices to remain lightweight and focused.

For a more comprehensive explanation of how Schema Manager integrates into modern Kafka-oriented applications involving multiple microservices and languages, refer to the Example of Integration with Schema Manager section. This section covers schema publication, as well as the generation and distribution of models across services.

Quick Start

The Schema Manager is distributed via NPM:

npm install @charlescol/schema-manager

The minimal requirement is to initiate an npm project within your repository and install the package. The schema manager capabilities can be used programmatically in a JavaScript script file (example here).

Sample Repo Demo: Try the example here in just a few minutes.

Supported Schema Formats

Config Supported Formats Description
Avro .avro, .avsc Parses Avro schema files, supports extracting dependencies from .avro and .avsc files.
Protobuf .proto Parses Protobuf schema files, supports extracting dependencies from .proto files.

Please refer to the Parser Documentation for more details on how to create a parser.

Available Registries

Registry Class Name Supported Registries
Confluent Schema Registry ConfluentRegistry Confluent Kafka

Please refer to the Registry Documentation for more details on how to create a registry.

How It Works

  1. Organize Your Schemas:

    • Place your files in versioned directories (e.g., v1, v2) and map them in versions.json. Refer to the versions file structure for details on how to structure the versions.json file.
  2. Build Schemas:

    • Schema Manager produces a build directory with all the schemas grouped into folders. Each folder contains the transformed schema with the appropriate namespaces and dependencies.
  3. Automated Registration:

    • Schema Manager processes the build folder to register the schemas in the target Schema Registry in the correct order based on dependencies.

Scenario Example

Consider a system managing a set of Protobuf schemas for an event-driven architecture. Each schema has multiple versions and dependencies.

If you don’t already have a project set up, you can create one with the following commands:

mkdir schema-manager-example
cd schema-manager-example
npm init -y && npm install @charlescol/schema-manager

In this example, we have two topics named "topic1" and "topic2," as well as a common folder used for shared schemas.

The topics can contain multiple major versions of schema files. A JSON file named versions.json is used to manage them for each topic.

In our case, let's say that our schemas for topic1 contain two major versions due to breaking changes in a file called data.proto:

File Structure

  ├── topic1/
  │   ├── v1/
  │   │   ├── data.proto         # Schema for v1 data of topic1
  │   │   └── model.proto        # Schema for v1 model (depends on topic1/v1/data.proto)
  │   ├── v2/
  │   │   └── data.proto         # Schema for v2 data (depends on ./common/v1/entity.proto)
  │   └── versions.json          # Version mapping for topic1 (v1 and v2)
  ├── topic2/
  │   ├── v1/
  │   │   └── data2.proto        # Schema for v1 data2 of topic2 (depends on ./common/v1/entity.proto)
  │   └── versions.json          # Version mapping for topic2 (v1)
  ├── common/
  │   ├── v1/
  │   │   └── entity.proto       # Schema for shared entity

In the above structure, the folder topic1/v2 contains only one file, even though there are three schemas in v2 (model.protodata.protoentity.proto).

This is because versions.json is used to resolve dependencies. If a file is the same across different versions, it doesn't need to be duplicated. The Schema Manager handles this implicit import mechanism to avoid schema duplication.

versions.json for topic1

  "v1": {
    "data": "v1/data.proto",
    "model": "v1/model.proto"
  "v2": {
    "data": "v2/data.proto",
    "model": "v1/model.proto",
    "entity": "../common/v1/entity.proto"

versions.json for topic2

  "v1": {
    "data2": "v1/data2.proto",
    "entity": "../common/v1/entity.proto"

Adding a versions.json in the common directory is unnecessary because it is not meant to be registered independently.

Additional Remarks

  • Schema Manager supports any string for version names (e.g., v1, v1.0, alpha).
  • The schema name must be unique across a given version of a topic.
  • Alternatively, a single versions.json file could be used to manage all the topics centrally.

Note: Multiple examples, including those mentioned here with different schema types (Protobuf, Avro, etc.), can be found in the repository at ./examples. Explore these to better understand schema management workflows.

Example Schema Content

Here is an example on how the model.proto should be structured. For more details on how to structure tour schema files by type, refer to the Schema Content section.


// Information regarding the package, namespace, and import path will be completed automatically during the build process
syntax = "proto3";

// Don't need to create a package.

// Don't need to import the full path, only the filename is enough.
import "data.proto";

message Model {
  Data data = 1; // Don't need to reference the namespace, only the message name is enough.
  string description = 2;
  repeated string tags = 3;

Building Schemas

The code below will generate a build directory with all the schemas grouped into folders, one per topic and version.

import { ConfigType, ConfluentRegistry, Manager } from '@charlescol/schema-manager';
import * as path from 'path';

(async () => {
  const SCHEMA_REGISTRY_URL = process.env.SCHEMA_REGISTRY_URL || 'http://localhost:8081';
  const SCHEMA_DIR = path.resolve(__dirname, '../schemas');

  // Create the schema registry
  const registry = new ConfluentRegistry({
    schemaRegistryUrl: SCHEMA_REGISTRY_URL,

  // Create the manager
  const manager = new Manager({
    schemaRegistry: registry,
    configType: ConfigType.PROTOBUF, // Specify the config type
  await; // Build the schemas

Build Directory Structure:

  ├── topic1/
  │   ├── v1/
  │   │   ├── data.proto
  │   │   └── model.proto # Depends on data.proto
  │   ├── v2/
  │   │   └── data.proto # Depends on entity.proto
  │   │   └── model.proto # Depends on data.proto
  │   │   └── entity.proto
  ├── topic2/
  │   ├── v1/
  │   │   └── data2.proto # Depends on entity.proto
  │   │   └── entity.proto

Each generated file is now ready to be registered in the schema registry.

Generated topic1/v1/model.proto

syntax = "proto3";

package topic1.v1; // Resolved automatically

import "topic1/v1/data.proto"; // Resolved automatically

message Model {
  topic1.v1.Data data = 1; // Resolved automatically
  string description = 2;
  repeated string tags = 3;

By default, the namespace is generated by replacing / with . in the path. This can be customized by providing a custom namespace builder function to the manager.

Publish to the Registry

Once the schemas are built, they can be deployed in the registry.

function subjectBuilder(filepath: string): string {
  const [topic, version, filename] = filepath.split('/'); // Extract topic and version
  const filenameWithoutExt = filename?.split('.')[0] || ''; // Extract the filename without extension
  return `${topic}.${filenameWithoutExt}.${version}`; // Return the constructed subject

await manager.register(subjectBuilder); // Register the schemas

The subjectBuilder function generates the subject name for each schema registered in the schema registry. The subject is a unique identifier used by the registry to track a schema. The above implementation is a custom strategy but you can also follow a TopicNameStrategy or a RecordNameStrategy to generate the subject name.

The register function builds a dependency graph based on schema dependencies and registers them in the correct order using a topological sorting algorithm.

Example of Subject Names Generated by subjectBuilder

  • topic1/v1/
  • topic1/v1/model.prototopic1.model.v1
  • topic1/v2/

After the registration process, a subjects.txt file is generated in the root directory to keep track of the subjects registered in the schema registry. This file can be used to generate constants during code generation process.

Example of Optimal Registration Order (Based on Dependencies)

  1. topic1/v1/data.proto
  2. topic1/v2/entity.proto
  3. topic2/v1/entity.proto
  4. topic1/v2/data.proto
  5. topic2/v2/data2.proto
  6. topic1/v1/model.proto
  7. topic1/v2/model.proto

Full Code

Below is the complete code example for the steps above.


import { ConfigType, ConfluentRegistry, Manager } from '@charlescol/schema-manager';
import * as path from 'path';

(async () => {
  const SCHEMA_REGISTRY_URL = process.env.SCHEMA_REGISTRY_URL || 'http://localhost:8081';
  const SCHEMA_DIR = path.resolve(__dirname, '../schemas');

  const registry = new ConfluentRegistry({
    // Create the schema registry
    schemaRegistryUrl: SCHEMA_REGISTRY_URL,

  const manager = new Manager({
    // Create the manager
    schemaRegistry: registry,
    configType: ConfigType.PROTOBUF,
  await; // Build the schemas
  await manager.register(subjectBuilder); // register the schemas

// Function to provide, used to build the subject for each schema file.
function subjectBuilder(filepath: string): string {
  const [topic, version, filename] = filepath.split('/');
  const filenameWithoutExt = filename?.split('.')[0] || '';
  return `${topic}.${filenameWithoutExt}.${version}`; // Return the constructed subject

If the file above is saved as publish-schemas.ts, you can run it with the following command to compile and execute it:

tsc && node dist/publish-schemas.js

Schema Content

Many details are dynamically resolved during the build process using the versions.json file. This setup avoids code redundancy and enables dynamic schema transformations.


  • Package Handling: The package is automatically included during the build process and does not need to be specified in the schema.
  • Imports: Import statements should reference only the file name without the full path (e.g., import "entity.proto"; ✅, not import "common/v1/entity.proto"; ❌).
  • External Imports: External imports (e.g., google/protobuf/timestamp.proto) remain unchanged.
  • Object Names: Internal object references do not need to include the package name (e.g., Entity ✅, not common.v1.Entity ❌).
// topic1/v1/data.proto
syntax = "proto3";

// No need to create a package.

import "entity.proto"; // Use only the file name
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto"; // External imports are unchanged

message Data {
string additional_info = 1;
google.protobuf.Timestamp created_at = 2; // External imports are unchanged
repeated Entity entities = 3; // Internal object names exclude the package name

Note: While the builder will work even if the above conventions are not followed, adhering to them is recommended to reduce unnecessary verbosity and avoid ambiguity.


  • Namespace Handling: Namespaces are automatically included during the build process and do not need to be specified in the schema.
  • Object Names: Internal object references do not need to include the namespace name (e.g., Entity ✅, not common.v1.Entity ❌).
  "type": "record",
  "name": "Model",
  "fields": [
      "name": "description",
      "type": "string"
      "name": "entities",
      "type": {
        "type": "array",
        "items": "Entity"

Note: While the builder will work even if the above conventions are not followed, adhering to them is recommended to reduce unnecessary verbosity and avoid ambiguity.

Future Plans and Roadmap

We aim to extend Schema Manager with the following features:

  • Support for Additional Schema Registries: Expanding beyond Confluent Schema Registry to support other platforms.
  • Expanded Format Support: Adding parsers for more schema types beyond Protobuf, Avro, and JSON.
  • Complex Transformations: Enabling advanced schema transformations, such as adding options in Protobuf files to control future code generation.

Example of Integration with Schema Manager

A typical use case for Schema Manager is managing schemas in a Kafka-oriented application with multiple microservices. By centralizing schemas in a single repository, you can automate schema management tasks through a CI/CD pipeline.

Pipeline Tasks

  1. Build Schemas: Generate schema files from source.
  2. Register Schemas: Deploy schemas to the schema registry.
  3. Code Generation: Generate code for schemas in target programming languages.
  4. Package Distribution: Distribute generated code as packages (e.g., Maven, NPM, PyPI).

Workflow Example

  1. Centralized Schema Management: Store all schemas in a version-controlled Git repository. Updates to versions.json trigger builds and registrations in the Schema Registry.
  2. Microservice Integration: Each microservice uses versioned and packaged models generated by the central repository. These models ensure consistency across services.
  3. Serialization: Use tools like kafka-protobuf-serializer (Java) or @kafkajs/confluent-schema-registry (JavaScript) to serialize data with the latest schema version retrieved from the registry.


  • Simplified Management: Centralized schemas reduce duplication and inconsistencies.
  • Automation: CI/CD integration ensures schema updates are handled automatically.
  • Compatibility: Versioned models guarantee consistency across services.


We welcome contributions! If you have suggestions or improvements, please open an issue or submit a pull request.

Refer to the Contributing Guide and How-To Documentation for details on contributing.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.


Centralize in a Repository and Automate Schema Management for Microservices with a Schema Registry. It’s especially useful for Kafka projects requiring structured and scalable schema management.








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