View a 7 day weather forecast for Long Island City. Temperatures shown are min&max temperatures, as well as the forecast day. I used Swift 3 and followed the MVC Design Pattern.
I chose MVC as the design pattern for this project because it's what I'm most used to, and through careful abstraction, can be very organized. I used GCD to make my data fetching asynchronous. Because they are public functions, this leads to reusability in future projects. I implemented error handling in my WeatherStatus
file, and took advantage of guard
s early exit feature to ensure any errors from the backend were handled.
I chose to make the UI in Interface Builder because I like seeing the app's flow and design easily. Another reason being this is a 1 screen app.
Through my use of extensions, I've allowed my view controllers to stay organized.
- SwiftyJSON (handle JSON data better and more easily)
- Alamofire (to make networking simpler, and used in conjunction with SwiftyJSON)
- Xcode 8
- iOS 10.0
- Swift 3
- Install Cocoapods.
- cd to directory and use
pod init
to create a Podfile
open Podfile
- Add the following to Podfile
source '' platform :ios, '10.0' use_frameworks! pod 'Alamofire', '~> 3.0’ pod 'SwiftyJSON', '2.4.0'
- Save and install pods
pod install
- Open C4QWeather.xcworkspace
- Implement unit and ui tests
- Reduce the
functions to be one, so there is less code repetiton as possible!