Started out as common functionality I keep re-programming, now it is a collection of interfaces between RDKit and quantum chemistry
For example, want to optimize a molecule with PM3 in GAMESS?
from chemhelp import gamess
from chemhelp import cheminfo
methane = """ SDF CONTENT """
header = """ $basis gbasis=pm3 $end
$contrl runtyp=optimize icharg={:} $end
$statpt opttol=0.0005 nstep=300 projct=.F. $end """
molobj = cheminfo.sdfstr_to_molobj(methane)
stdout, stderr = gamess.calculate(molobj, header)
properties = gamess.read_properties_coordinates(stdout)
atoms = properties["atoms"]
coord = properties["coord"]
energy = properties["h"]
with consistent interfaces to MOPAC, GAMESS, Gaussian and MNDO