dialog layer plugin support pc and mobile
see demo
Param | Type | Default | Details |
className | string |
className | |
container | string |
body | dom element |
css | object |
{ padding: '10px' } |
css object |
html | string |
'加载中...' | html |
title | string |
'信息' | html |
left | string |number |
'50%' | dialog position |
top | string |number |
'50%' | dialog position |
align | string |
center |
buttons algin positon
drag | object |
options | drag and drop |
animate | boolean |
false | fade animation |
animateAlign | string |
bottom | fade animation direction |
shade | boolean |
true | whether to display the shade layer |
shadeClose | boolean |
false | the shade layer auto close |
opacity | number |
0.5 | the shade layer opacity |
delay | boolean |number |
false | close time interval, in ms. If the value is true, the default is 1800ms. the value is false, the not close |
unload | boolean |
true | unbind event and destory DOM element |
fixed | boolean |
false | fixed positioned dialog layer |
isMove | boolean |
true | drag and drop move the dialog layer |
buttons | array |
[{ name: '确定', callback: function(){}, disabled: false, focus: false }] |
dialog position |
closeBtnFn | function |
function(){} | Function to execute when the button is closed |
beforeFn | function |
function(){} | Function that are executed before the initialization |
afterFn | function |
function(){} | Function that are executed after the initialization |
Param | Type | Default | Details |
limit | boolean |
true | whether to let the dialog layer limit range |
range | array |
[ 0, 9999, 9999, 0 ] | top-right-bottom-left limit range |
lockX | boolean |
false | lock X axis does not move |
lockY | boolean |
false | lock Y axis does not move |
onStart | function |
function(){} | drag the start of execution |
onMove | function |
function(){} | draging to execute function |
onEnd | function |
function(){} | drag the end of execution |
Param | Type | Default | Details |
value | string |
value |
Param | Type | Default | Details |
src | url |
about:blank | address of the resource |
scrolling | string |
auto | iframe window overflow scroll |
winBtn | boolean |
true |
add buttons
onloadFn | function |
function(){} | Function after the completion of the iframe load |
* @param {string} title contents
* @return title
var dialogAlert = Dialog.alert( '成功', function(){} );
var title = dialogAlert.title();
console.log( title );
* @param {string} html contents
* @return this
var dialogAlert = Dialog.alert( '成功', function(){} );
var title = dialogAlert.html( '内容' ).title( '标题' );
console.log( title );
* @param {array} buttons array
* @return this
var dialogAlert = Dialog.alert( '成功', function(){} );
name: '取消',
callback: function(){},
disabled: false,
focus: false
}]).html( '内容' );
* @param {number|string} top position
* @param {number|string} left position
* @return this
var dialogPage = Dialog({
title: 'title',
html: 'do something'
dialogPage.moveTo( '50%', '100%' );
* @return this
var dialogAlert = Dialog.alert( '成功', function(){} );
* @return this
var dialogAlert = Dialog.alert( '成功', function(){} );
* hide or destory the dialog instance
var dialogAlert = Dialog.alert( '成功', function(){} );
* unbind event and destory dom element
var dialogAlert = Dialog.alert( '成功', function(){} );
* close all of dialog layers on the page
var dialogAlert1 = Dialog.alert( '成功', function(){} );
var dialogAlert2 = Dialog.alert( '成功', function(){} );
Param | Type | Default | Details |
className | string |
className | |
type | string |
load |
html | string |
dialog content html | |
mask | boolean |
true | shows or hides the mask layer |
maskClose | boolean |
true | bind close event to mask layer |
animation | string | boolean |
false | css3 animation |
unload | boolean |
true | destroy dialog object |
buttons | array |
{ name: '取消', callback: function(){} }, { name: '确认', callback: function(){} } | buttons param |
init | function |
function(){} | init callback |
closeBtn | function |
function(){} | close button is clicked |
- @prama { string } 消息内容
- @prama { number|boolean } 可选 时间延长,false不消失
- @prama { boolean } 可选 mask点击关闭
- @return Dialog */ Dialog.load( '成功', false );
- @prama { string } 消息内容
- @prama { function } ok button callback
- @prama { function } cancel button callback
- @prama { boolean } 可选 mask点击关闭
- @return Dialog */ Dialog.confirm( '成功', function(){}, function(){} );
- @prama { string } 消息内容
- @prama { function } ok button callback
- @prama { boolean } 可选 mask点击关闭
- @return Dialog */ Dialog.alert( '成功', function(){} );
- @prama { string } 消息内容
- @prama { number|boolean } 时间延长,false不消失
- @prama { boolean } mask点击关闭
- @prama { function } closed callback
- @return Dialog */ Dialog.tip( '成功', 1200, true, function(){} );
- @prama { string } 消息内容
- @prama { function } closed callback
- @prama { boolean } mask点击关闭
- @return Dialog */ Dialog.page( '成功', 1200, true, function(){} );
- @prama { object } dialog object 设置全局默认参数 */ Dialog.config( options )
### Method
by calling the unload or hide to the config.
Dialog.tip( '成功', false).close()
The public destroy() method can be used to free some memory, remove dom and off event.
var tip = Dialog.tip( '成功', false);
var tip = Dialog.tip( '成功', false);
var tip = Dialog.tip( '成功', false);