Just load balancing algorithms implementation.
Currently supported load balancing algorithms include:
- Random
- Weighted Random
- Round Robin
- Weighted Round Robin
- Consistent Hash
You can debug the project in VS CODE.
$ npm i load-balancer-algorithm
# or
$ yarn add load-balancer-algorithm
import LBA, { Random } from "load-balancer-algorithm";
const weightPool = [
{ host: "", weight: 2 },
{ host: "", weight: 3 },
{ host: "", weight: 10 },
const wrr = new LBA.WeightedRoundRobin(weightPool);
const wrrAddress = wrr.pick();
// should return { host }
// non-weighted
const pool = ["", "", "", ""];
const r = new Random(pool);
const rAddress = r.pick();
// should return { host }
const LBA = require('load-balancer-algorithm');
const weightRandomPool = [
{ host: "", weight: 2 },
{ host: "", weight: 3 },
{ host: "", weight: 5 },
const weightedList = []
const loadBalance = new LBA.WeightedRoundRobin(weightRandomPool);
for(let i = 0; i < 10; i++){
const address = loadBalance.pick();
// [5, 5, 3, 5, 2, 3, 5, 2, 3, 5]
The property will be get pool of an instance.
Returns the number of in pool object.
Will get a object from the pool based on the different algorithms.
Reset the instance fully.
Returns a weight value associated to the host.
execute npm run build
from a terminal window
let's run the test script
$ npm test
# or
$ yarn test
if you need the specify test file to run
$ npx mocha -r ts-node/register --file './test/weightedRandom.test.ts'