VIM Cheat sheet
:set list
- show invisibles:retab!
- auto converting between tabs and spaces:set expandtab
- to spaces:set noexpandtab
- to tabs
- repeat
- left, down, up, rightgj
- go down display linegk
- go up display line0
- to the first character of real lineg0
- to the first character of display line^
- to the first nonblank character of lineg^
- to the first nonblank character of display line$
- to the end of real lineg$
- to the end of display linew
- forward to start of next wordW
- to the next WORDb
- backward to start of current/previous wordB
- backward to start of current/previous WORDe
- forward to end of current/next wordE
- forward to end of current/next WORDge
- backward to end of previous wordgE
- backward to end of previous WORD<number>G
- to the linegg
- beginning of the fileG
- end of the file^G
- show current line%
- move to matching bracketsf<char>
- find nextF<char>
- find backwardt<char>
- find next char and place cursor beforeT<char>
- find next char and place cursor before backward;
- go to the next off
- go to previous off
- back to the last changeg,
- forward to the next change:changes
- list changes{number}+
- go to the{number}
lines down{number}-
- go to the{number}
lines up
- set a mark`{mark}
- go to the exact mark place'{mark}
- go the first non-whitespace character on where mark was set
- Position before the last jump within current file.
- Location of last change^
- Location of last insertion[
- Start of last change or yank]
- End of last change or yank<
- Start of last visual selection>
- End of last visual selection
- forward searchd/ge
- delete till you findge
- select tillge
- case insensitive/{text}\C
- case sensitive/\v{regex}
- very magic search (more close to regex)/\V{text}
- very nomagic/\v<{word}>
- search for the word\zs
- helps to define boundaries of a match, for example/Practical \szVim<CR>
- backward search:hlsearch
- highlight search results*
- find next current wordn
- next occurrence in same directionN
- next occurrence in opposite direction
:[range]s/{pattern}/{string}/{flags} [count]
- replace
- globally (within line)c
- confirm changesy
to substitute this matchn
to skip this matchesc
to skip this matcha
to substitute this and all remaining matches {not in Vi}q
to quit substituting {not in Vi}⌃E
to scroll the screen up {not in Vi}⌃Y
to scroll the screen down {not in Vi}
- same flags as previous invocation of substitutee
- subpress errorsi
- ignore case for the patternI
- don't ignore case for the patternp
- print the line containing last substitute
- whole file<n>,<m>
- between lines (including)
- carriage return\t
- tab\\
- single backslash\1
- first submatch\0
- entire matches pattern~
- use string from previous invocation of substitute\={Vim script}
- evaluate script
- insert line above the cursoro
- insert line below the cursorA
- start typing at the end of lineI
- start typing at the beginning of the linea
- start typing after cursori
- start typing in place of cursorC
- replace from cursor to the end of the lineS
- replace whole lines
- replace current selectionx
- replace under cursorr<char>
- replace char under cursor withgr
- virtual replace, if tabs = spacesR
- in place replacement (more than one letter)gR
- virtual replace, if tabs = spaces{register}d{motion}
- delete {motion}"_d{motion}
- to delete in black hole (not a cut)c<motion>
- change{register}y<motion>
- yank~<motion>
- swap case (when selected)u<motion>
- lowercase (when selected)U<motion>
- uppercase (when selected)><motion>
- shift right (>>
- shift left (<<
- autoindentu
- ungo changes⌃R
- redo changesU
- undo all latest changes on the line
- delete word⌃u
- delete line⌃b
- backspace⌃[
- as escape⌃o
- insert Normal Mode (just for one command)⌃r{register}
- paste in insert mode⌃r={expression}
- evaluate expression and paste:let i = 1
- insert i from let
- insert letter by code⌃k{char1}{char2}
- insert letter by :diagraphs (<< >> 12 14 34) see:diagraph-table
- character-wiseV
- line-wise⌃v
- block-wisegv
- reselecto
- go to the other end of the highlighted text
- a pair of(parentheses)
- inside of(parentheses)
- replace everything inside(...)
- a pair of{braces}
- inside of{braces}
- a pair of[brackets]
- inside of[brackets]
- a pair of<angle brackets>
- inside of<angle brackets>
- a pair of'single quotes'
- inside of'single quotes'
- a pair of"double quotes"
- inside of"double quotes"
- a pair ofbacktricks
- inside of backtricksat
- a pair of<xml>tags</xml>
- inside of<xml>tags</xml>
- current wordciw
- replace current word.
- current word plus one spacedaw
- delete word and one space after it.
- current WORDaW
- current WORD plus one spaceis
- current sentenceas
- current sentence plus one spaceip
- current paragraphap
- current paragprah plus one blank line
- paste text:put {register}
- paste from register below current line⌃r{register}
- paste in insert mode, where register can be"
- paste and place cursor at the end of pasted text
- paste previous{register}y{motion}
- yankyy
- yank the line- by default yank always puts everything into unnamed and 0 registers
- uppercase registes are used for append
- system clipboard
- see content of all registers"%
- name of current file"#
- name of the alternate file".
- last inserted text":
- last Ex command"/
- last search pattern
⌃w w
- next window⌃w h
- next window on left⌃w j
- next window below⌃w k
- next window above⌃w l
- next window rigth⌃w c
- close current window⌃w o
- keep only current window open⌃w =
- equalize width and height of all windows⌃w _
- maximize height of active window⌃w |
- maximize width of active window{n} ⌃w _
- set active window height to{n}
rows{n} ⌃w |
- set active window width to {n} rows⌃w s
,:split {filename}
- split by horizontally⌃w v
,:vsplit {filename}
- split by vertically⌃w H
,⌃w J
,⌃w K
,⌃w L
- swap windows (:help window-moving
)⌃w x
- rotate current window (:help window-moving
)⌃w r
- rotate all windows (:help window-moving
)^w z
- close preview window
:tabedit {filename}
,:tabe {filename}
- open filename in new tab^w T
- move current window into its own tab:tabc[lose]
- close current tab:tabo[nly]
- keep the active tab page{N}gt
,:tabn[ext] {N}
- switch to tab page number{N}
- switch to next tabgT
- switch to the previous tab:tabmove [N]
- rearrange the tab
- list of buffers[b
- next buffer]b
- previous buffer[B
- go to the first in the buffer]B
- go to the last in the buffer:buffer N
- go to the buffer N⌃-^
- alternate file:bd[elete]
- delete current buffer:bufdo {command}
- execute command for each buffer
- see args passed to the vim:args {list}
- build arguments list:args **/*.js **/*.css
- load all js and css files in args
:argdo command
- execute command on each argument:argdo normal @a
- execute macro a for each file in args:argdo write
- write all files
- go to the next in args[a
- go to the prev in args]A
- go to the first in args[A
- go to the last in args
- jump to previous location⌃i
- jump to forward location:jumps
- show all jumps^]
- jump to definition of keyword under the cursor- Use ctags to generate ctags file
- to navigate back for our tag historyg ⌃]>
- if multiple matches - show choices:tselect
- navigate between multiple choices:tag {keyword}
- jump to definition:tjump {keyword}
- jump and ask for multiple:tjump /{regex}
- try to find
- jump to file name under the cursor:set suffixesadd+=.rb
to add specific suffix:set path+=,%:h
to add current directory
- jump to start of previous/next sentence{
- jump to start of previous/next paragraph
- find code of selected character:set nowrap
- unwrap lines:setlocal spell
- turn on spell check@:
- repeat the last ex command⌃r
- copy and paste current word to the command line⌃p
- previous item from history⌃n
- next item from historyq:
- see history of command lineq/
- see history of searches:sh
- go to shell:e <filename>
- open file name for edit:e!
- re-read file from the disk (discard all changes):e %<Tab>
- to get edit current opened file:e %:h<Tab>
- to get edit directory of current opened file
:w <filename>
- write current to file (whole file or selection):wall
- write all buffers:update <filename>
- same as write, but only if modified:r <command|filename>
- read from external file or command and paste:!{command}
- execute command with shell:2,$!sort -t',' -k2
- sort all lines except header by second columnread !{cmd}
- executecmd
in shell and insert its stdout below cursor:[range]write !{cmd}
- executecmd
in the shell with[range]
lines as stdin
:[range]t {address}
,:[range]co[py] {address}
- copy line(s) from [range] and paste to {address}.
- instead of address means current line:6copy.
- copy from line 6 and insert on current line:t6
- copy current line to below line 6:t.
- duplicate the current line:t$
- copy the current line to the end of the file'<,'>t0
- copy the visually selected lines to the start of the file
:[range]m[ove] {address}
- move line(s) from [range] and paste to {address}:[range]normal {command}
- execute command on selected range:%normal i//
- instead//
for whole file (command all lines)'<,'>normal .
- repeat last command for selected lines
:[range] gloabl[!] /{pattern}/ [cmd]
- execute command on range with matched pattern:v
- execute cmd on each line which does not match pattern
- sort selected lines:grep
- grep in files:grep -R Quickfix *
- search in all directories
:vim[grep][!] /{pattern}/[g][j] {file} ...
- search with internal vim grepg
- multiple matches on the same linej
- don't jump to first match
- execute make command:setlocal makepkg=NODE_DISABLE_COLORS=1\ nodelint\ %
- change make program:setglobal errorformat?
- see how errors are getting formatted:compiler
- to set compiler
- start recording macros- Uppercase register appends to the macro
- replay macro10@a
- execute 10 times macro from registera
- jump to next item:cprev
- jump to previous item:cfirst
- jump to first item:clast
- jump to last item:cnfile
- jump to first item in next file:cpfile
- jump to last item in previous file:cc N
- jump to Nth item:copen
- open the quickfix window:cclose
- close the quickfix window:colder
- older version of the quickfix list:cnewer
- newer version of the quickfix list
- generic keywords⌃p
- generic keywords (previous)⌃y
- accept the currently selected match (yes)⌃e
- revert to the originally typed text⌃h
- delete one character from current match⌃l
- add one character from current match⌃x ⌃n
- current buffer keywords⌃x ⌃i
- included file keywords⌃x ⌃]
- tags file keywords⌃x ⌃k
- dictionary lookup:set spell
should be enabled
⌃x ⌃l
- whole line completion⌃x ⌃f
-filename completion:pwd
- to from where autocompletion will work:cd public
- to change to folder:cd -
- to previous working directory
⌃x ⌃o
- omni-completion
:set spell
- enable spell checkingspellfile
to share file with custom words
:set spelllang=en_us
- change speaking region[s
- previous error]s
- next errorz=
- fix errorzg
- add current word to spell filezw
- remove current word from the spell filezug
- revertzg
command for current word⌃x s
- fix misspelled word in insert mode
- switch folding on or offza
- toggle current fold open/closedzc
- close current foldzR
- open all foldszM
- close all foldszv
- expand folds to reveal cursorzj
- move down to top of next foldzk
- move up to bottom of previous foldzo
- open current foldzO
- recursively open current foldzc
- close current foldzC
- recursively close current foldza
- toggle current foldzA
- recursively open/close current foldzm
- reduce foldlevel by onezM
- close all foldszr
- increase foldlevel by onezR
- open all folds
- quit vim:q[uit]!
- quit without saving:cq[uit]
- quit always, without writingZZ
- write and quitZQ
- write current file and exit always:wq {file}
- write to{file}
and exit after
vim -u NONE -N
- launch vim without settings
- surround selection with"
- change surrounding from}
- show help for current symbol[ [
- Jump to previous class or function (normal, visual, operator modes)] ]
- Jump to next class or function (normal, visual, operator modes)[M
- Jump to previous class or method (normal, visual, operator modes)]M
- Jump to next class or method (normal, visual, operator modes)aC
- Select a class. Ex: vaC, daC, yaC, caC (normal, operator modes)iC
- Select inner class. Ex: viC, diC, yiC, ciC (normal, operator modes)aM
- Select a function or method. Ex: vaM, daM, yaM, caM (normal, operator modes)iM
- Select inner function or method. Ex: viM, diM, yiM, ciM (normal, operator modes)^r
- Run script^b
- Set breakpoint
- Show doc^c-rr
- Rename^c-r1r
- Rename module^c-ro
- Organize imports^c-r1p
- Convert module to package^c-rm
- Extract method^c-rl
- Extract variable^Space
- Rope completion