Hewlett Packard Enterprise
- Bangalore
WebGoat Public
Forked from WebGoat/WebGoatWebGoat is a deliberately insecure application
JavaScript Other UpdatedApr 20, 2023 -
oneview-ansible-collection Public
Forked from HewlettPackard/oneview-ansible-collectionAnsible Collection and Sample Playbooks for HPE OneView
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedDec 7, 2021 -
oneview-python Public
Forked from HewlettPackard/oneview-pythonPython library for HPE OneView
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedNov 22, 2021 -
oneview-golang Public
Forked from HewlettPackard/oneview-golangGolang bindings for OneView api's
Go Apache License 2.0 UpdatedAug 17, 2021 -
Flow2ML Public
Forked from flow2ml/Flow2MLGSSoC21 - An Open Source Library to make Machine Learning process much Simpler
Python MIT License UpdatedJun 6, 2021 -
a-fine-windy-day-hackerearth Public
HackerEarth Hackathon - Windmill power prediction
Jupyter Notebook MIT License UpdatedMay 29, 2021 -
credit-card-fraud-detection Public
Machine learning model for Credit Card fraud detection
Jupyter Notebook Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMay 8, 2021 -
Tic-Tac-Toe Public
Train a tic-tac-toe agent with reinforcement learning.
Hand gesture recognition using neural networks
Jupyter Notebook Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMay 8, 2021 -
Multi Layer Neural Network for binary and multi-class classification
Jupyter Notebook Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMay 8, 2021 -
golang-ci-template-github-actions Public
Forked from jandelgado/golang-ci-template-github-actionsexample for golang project using github actions
Go MIT License UpdatedMar 22, 2021 -
oneview-puppet Public
Forked from HewlettPackard/oneview-puppetPuppet module for managing HPE OneView resources
Ruby Apache License 2.0 UpdatedFeb 12, 2021 -
oneview-sdk-ruby Public
Forked from HewlettPackard/oneview-sdk-rubyRuby SDK to Interact with HPE OneView
Ruby Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJan 29, 2021 -
oneview-chef Public
Forked from HewlettPackard/oneview-chefCookbook for configuring HPE OneView resources
Ruby Apache License 2.0 UpdatedOct 22, 2020 -
data-science-interviews Public
Forked from alexeygrigorev/data-science-interviewsData science interview questions and answers
Ruby UpdatedSep 17, 2020 -
POS_tagging Public
Python implementation for syntactical analysis
TelecomChurn-Prediction Public
Consumer Behavior Analysis for Targeted Retention Initiatives in Telecom sector
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedAug 31, 2020 -
House-Price-Analysis Public
Predicting house prices using Advanced Linear Regression
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedAug 31, 2020 -
Car-Price-Analysis Public
Customer Demographic Analysis for new product launch in Automobile sector.
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedAug 31, 2020 -
Foodie-Rasa-Chatbot Public
Conversational Chatbot for Restaurant Search
oneview-ansible Public
Forked from HewlettPackard/oneview-ansibleAnsible Modules and Sample Playbooks for HPE OneView
100-Days-Of-ML-Code Public
Forked from Avik-Jain/100-Days-Of-ML-Code100 Days of ML Coding
MIT License UpdatedJul 15, 2020 -
terraform-provider-oneview Public
Forked from HewlettPackard/terraform-provider-oneviewAutomates the provisioning of physical infrastructure from a private cloud using templates from HPE OneView with Terraform
Go Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMay 20, 2020