Node.JS utility scripts
How to Use the scripts Clone the project
npm install
update data/devlist.txt with developer list
Run the below command to fetch app list for the specified developers node appsListforGivenDevs.js --ORG_NAME YOUR_ORG_NAME
appsListforGivenDevs fetch the apps on-boarded by the given list of developers in your ORG. This generate CSV file with following format
developer1, app1, app2, app3, ... developer2,
Run the below command to fetch app list for the specified developers node appsListProdCheckforGivenDevs.js --ORG_NAME YOUR_ORG_NAME --PRODUCT_NAME YOUR_PRODUCT_NAME
appsListProdCheckforGivenDevs fetch the apps on-boarded by the given list of developers in your ORG. This scipt also check if the specified product is associated with the devs/apps and flag it accordingly. This generate CSV file with following format
developer1, app1, app2, app3, ..., 1 developer2, developer3, app4, app5, app6, ..., 0