An EthSeoul Hackathon project proudly brought to you by Carlos Ramos, Jian Kim, WenKang Chen and CheeChyuan Ang. We hope to launch really soon!
StarkGuild is a public goods project that is aimed towards promoting public goods! It is a platform that allows aspiring buidlers to submit a project proposal to a matching round in return for a potential grant from the community.
In each matching round, there will be a a Total Match
of which this represents the total amount of funds donated from various sponsors. This sponsored amount will be shared across all projects in the pool in a Quadratic Funding manner.
During the voting period, all registered users are able to donate any amount to their project that they like and a portion of the matched amount will be allocated to the project.
Quadratic funding ensures a 'fair' way of distributed the total sponsored amount as a single large contribution by an individual will amount to less weightage compared to many many small donations by many different individuals.
To reduce the risk of donars gaming the quadratic funding mechanism by creating many accounts and donating smalls amounts through the different accounts, we have also implemented a User registration
mechanism of which each address can only be registered to a unique github account id.
After the voting period ends, project owners will be able to claim their donations in a streamed fashion. The total amount will be distributed gradually over time. On top of that, from time to time, project owners will be required to submit a project report through IPFS, to allow admin to verify if actual progress has been made. The admin will be able to limit how much of the final amount the project should have gotten in the case where the progress has not reached the milestone
IPFS is being used for all of our file storage system which includes project info, user details, progress report. We believe that storage data in a decentralized manner will ensure for a good data availability
- We are building our project on Starknet and the backend is written entirely on Cairo
- For a decentralized file storage option, we leverage IPFS that allows us to store project info, user details, progress report in a decentralized manner.
- Handles all user related logics, such as user registration, unique github id checkqf_pool.cairo
- The main logic of the matching pool that contains logic such as QF calculation, Streaming amount logic. This contract will be deployed as a contract class and will be deploy over and over again for a new pool.coreV2.cairo
- Act as a bridge between user registration and the matching pool. Also contains logic where only admin is able to create a new matching pool.
The frontend repo can be found here
- Main Cairo development and testing done using Protostar
- Frontend - Next.js, Starknet-react, Starknet.js
- Deployment + Testing on Local host- Starknet Hardhat, Starknet Devnet
In migrations/migration_01_init.cairo
const erc20_addr = 12345
const admin = 67890
Run the following script in the root folder, remember to change the network if we want to deploy to a local devnet
protostar migrate migrations/migration_01_init.cairo --no-confirm --output-dir migrations/testnet --network alpha-goerli
It will return us the deployment output like this:
10:03:58 [INFO] (Protostar → StarkNet) DECLARE
contract /Users/cheechyuan/Documents/repo/buidl_guild_cairo/build/qf_pool.json
sender_address 1
max_fee 0
version 0
signature []
nonce 0
10:04:12 [INFO] (Protostar ← StarkNet) DECLARE
class_hash 3036680536474300139651313274859036695021649017672522577430500214226033968062
transaction_hash 0x5ff21f801e1332d2b16386fbe741bdf3bb75a854ea807658a9a1ccc559b0400
10:04:12 [INFO] (Protostar → StarkNet) DEPLOY
contract /Users/cheechyuan/Documents/repo/buidl_guild_cairo/build/user_registry.json
constructor_args None
salt None
token None
10:04:15 [INFO] (Protostar ← StarkNet) DEPLOY
address 3574269960381368718776077292474233250564078317446818580551328627807615191625
transaction_hash 0x2627da32535f25b07cb75cb5789168791052f16e91d4c194b57526cb8387b48
10:04:15 [INFO] (Protostar → StarkNet) DEPLOY
contract /Users/cheechyuan/Documents/repo/buidl_guild_cairo/build/core.json
constructor_args [3036680536474300139651313274859036695021649017672522577430500214226033968062, 3574269960381368718776077292474233250564078317446818580551328627807615191625, 12345, 67890]
salt None
token None
10:04:24 [INFO] (Protostar ← StarkNet) DEPLOY
address 1598078638023496036663754067215881644959514335320902011285602717466386552797
transaction_hash 0x505dd859cf06cdbe6c9f622b27db2b10fa099c9b9f59f37579d7500935126c0