Combine suitable postposition on korean word
Merge and return word with proper postposition according to type.
(attach() was deprecated. It will be removed on next major update, v3.0.0)
The word you want to attach postposition
Below one of postposition strings for reference
'을' || '를'
'이' || '가'
'은' || '는'
'과' || '와'
'아' || '야'
'이어' || '여'
'이었' || '였'
'으로' || '로'
'은커녕' || '는커녕'
or Custom string for example '(이) + *'
// for example
'이야' // Exception: If you want to distinguish '이야/야', you must use only '이야' because of duplication with '아/야'
'이랑' || '랑'
'이나' || '나'
'이라도' || '라도'
'이나마' || '나마'
require('kr-postposition').merge('고래', '이랑') // '고래랑'
require('kr-postposition').merge('사랑', '나') // '사랑이나'
// use kr-postposition.js or kr-postposition.min.js in the library directory and 'script' tag
krPostposition.merge('예약', '와') // '예약과'
krPostposition.merge('고양이', '이었다') // '고양이였다'
Parse postposition with open-closed symbols to merged words in the whole sentence.
(Default open symbol is '{', and close symbol is '}')
The sentence you want to parse that has postposition with open-closed symbols
require('kr-postposition').parse('나{은} 너{을} 사랑해') // 나는 너를 사랑해
krPostposition.parse('돌고래{은} 이마의 구멍{로} 숨{를} 쉬는 것{여}서, 종종 물 밖{로} 나와야 한다.') // 돌고래는 이마의 구멍으로 숨을 쉬는 것이어서, 종종 물 밖으로 나와야 한다.
Get open and close symbol
Set new open, or closed, or open and closed symbol.
If parameter is empty, Symbol is set to default symbols '{' and '}'