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Chee Studio: Startup Theme - Blocks

Chee Blocks is a "framework" that was developed to streamline custom WordPress theme development, preferably using ACF Builder and ACF Blocks. When fully utilized, it's most useful feature is the automatic registration of Blocks and ACF Fields based on a folder structure, which enable self-contained Blocks and a portable approach to Block development (e.g. you can copy a "block" from one project to another and retain all it's fields, style and functionality).

Whereas many frameworks focus on WordPress' blogging capabilities, this framework is meant for sites where WordPress will be used primarily as a content framework, as well as a blogging tool. The structure is fairly self explanatory, and also contains a collection of various helpers and functions that are useful in every day WordPress development.

It assumes GULP will be used for asset compiling, and SCSS for all CSS management. The workflows for ACF Builder and ACF Blocks can be easily disabled without impacting the functionality of the rest of the framework (although you'd be missing out on the best parts!).

Important Note: This framework is not meant to be a turn-key theme, and won't offer many options beyond being an organized and streamlined way to develop a custom site using WordPress/ACF/Blocks. It's a way to stay consistent and organized and provide a solid jumping off point for each project, utilizing native WordPress functionality as much as possible.

Since it's very unassuming, it should also blend easily with any particular development style, as well as integrate into other platforms such as WooCommerce, Elementor and Beaver Builder, if one chooses to use them.

There's absolutely nothing proprietary here, but there is a specific organization/architecture that needs to be understood, especially if you're inheriting a site built using it. 🙂


  1. Setting up the Build System (GULP)
  2. Setting up the SCSS and JS Compiling
  3. Registering Fields Groups via ACF Builder
  4. Registering Blocks
  5. Connecting Field Groups to Blocks

Setup gulpfile.js

Note: Both NodeJS and NPM are required to be installed in order to run the commands below.

  1. In the root of the theme directory, run npm install to install needed packages to run gulp
  2. Set the PROJECT_NAME variable in gulpfile.js to the folder name of your localhost install
  3. If localhost is not being used, set DEVELOPER_MODE to false to disable the live BrowserSync refresh
  4. If Blocks are being utilized, set BLOCK_MODE to true to enable SCSS compiling for individual Block folders
  5. Once packages are installed and gulpfile.js is setup, run gulp
  6. File watching is enabled as long as gulp is running

Compile Styles & JS

Note: .scss files are found in assets/scss/

  1. The core folder is loaded in a specific order controlled by main.scss. Any additional files added to the core folder will need to be manually added to main.scss or they will not be included when compiled
  2. All other .scss files found in other folders, such as elements, layout, pages are automatically included when compiled and do not need to be added to main.scss
  3. All .scss files will compile to style.css (easy to read format for dev only) and style.min.css that is served to the public
  4. All .js files from assets/js/src/ compile to all.min.js
  5. Any JS scripts added to the assets/js/src/plugins folder will be included first and then compiled into the minified all.min.js file

Registering ACF Field Groups

This framework will automatically register field groups located in init/fields. This workflow is optional.

  1. Within the init/acf.php contains a loop that will grab all field includes and automatically register them
  2. Within the init/fields folder is where includes for various field types would be located, with the exception of blocks
  3. File names should be unique, as well as the FieldsBuilder names
  4. Partials that are re-used should be placed under init/fields/partials Note: Partials are parsed alphabetically. If you need to load one prior to others, add a _ prefix to the filename (see _button.php as an example)

To disable ACF Builder workflow: Set $acf_builder to FALSE in init/acf.php.

Registering ACF Blocks

This framework will automatically register ACF Blocks based off their path name and template tags. This workflow is optional.

  1. Inside partials/blocks are various boilerplate blocks ready to be modified. Delete any block folders you do not wish to include. The function in init/acf.php will loop through all sub-folders in this directory and automatically register the blocks based off their folder path name
  2. Each Block contains 5 or 6 (optional JS) components:
  • fields.php - This file contains the ACF Builder fields for the block. Note: All fields for Blocks are automatically placed into a Group field for organization and easy retreival within template.php by default
  • template.php - This file contains all the markup and logic of the block, as well as the template tags to determine its Block attributes (e.g.. Title, Icon, Alignments). The name of the block that is displayed in Gutenberg is found here. Located at the top of template.php (following the template tags) is a simple function which will automatically establish the $group variable for all fields:
$group = blockFieldGroup(__FILE__); // REQUIRED

/* Usage */
$example_field = $group['example_field];
  • style.scss - This is the SCSS that will compile to style.css that is used in both the frontend and backend Gutenberg Block Editor preview views
  • script.js - This file contains all the JS specific code for the individual block. This file is optional
  • You can create an optional 450 x 250 pixel image named preview.jpg add it to the Block folder to automatically display a preview in the backend Gutenberg editor when hovering over the list of Blocks to add (recommended)
  • Duplicate the example-default folder to create new Blocks. There are URL links in the template.php file that provide examples for the proper syntax to use to register ACF fields in the fields.php file
  • The GULP Workflow (if BLOCK_MODE is set to TRUE), will automatically compile all SCSS files it finds in these block directories

To disable ACF Blocks workflow: Set $acf_blocks to FALSE in init/acf.php.

Connecting Fields to Blocks (if using ACF Builder)

As stated above, this framework uses the folder/path name of the block to register and automatically connects the ACF Field Group to a Block by creating a fields.php inside the block folder.

This file will do a number of things:

use StoutLogic\AcfBuilder\FieldsBuilder;
$path        = basename(__DIR__);
$name        = str_replace('-', '_', $path);
$group_name  = $name . '_group';
$group_label = str_replace('-', ' ', $path);
$name        = new FieldsBuilder($name);
  • Import ACF Builder Class
  • Set up the paths required, based off the file name
  • Create a formatted string based on the path
  • Create an ACF Group name based off the string
  • Create a "human readable" Group Label, based off the string (this can be overwritten, as well)
  • Create a Block Title that will be formatted nicely when used within the Block Editor

That's it. 👌🏻 Go build something cool.


Gutenberg Blocks version of Startup






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