Basic NestJs/Postgres Api - deployed with Heroku
Returns plant identification information for images posted to the 'identify' endpoint in base64
Check out the Swagger documentation
(local: Swagger documentation)
npm install
- @nestjs/mapped-types
- @nestjs/passport
- @nestjs/platform-express
- @nestjs/swagger
- @nestjs/typeorm
- @types/multer
- bcryptjs
- body-parser
- clarifai
- clarifai-nodejs-grpc
- class-transformer
- class-validator
- cookie-parser
- passport
- passport-jwt
- passport-local
- pg
- reflect-metadata
- rimraf
- rxjs
- swagger-ui-express
- typeorm
- update POSTGRES_HOST to be 'db' in the .env file
- make run-local
- docker tag
- docker push
- heroku container:push release
- heroku container:release web release
- docker tag clar-server-server
- docker push
npm run start:dev
- Add a .env (set to local environment)
These are the steps for deploying an app to heroku:
- heroku login
- heroku create
- package.json: node engine:
"engines": {
"node": "16.x.x",
"yarn": '1.2.x
- add a Procfile (no file type appended )
web: npm run start:prod
change main.js:
const port = process.env.PORT || 5000;
await app.listen(port);
Heroku will set the port env variable to a random port, so you need to use process.env.port.
This variable does need to be explicitly set
Set Heroku env vars:
heroku config:set = --app
heroku config:set NODE_ENV=development --app typescript dev dependencies will be needed at build time
heroku config:set MODE=production --app since NODE_ENV = development, we want to set this to production to specifiy SSL true in our database module during production vs local development
(Even though we are calling this production, this is a 'development deployment' as it is not really configured/scalable for production)
Commit changes, push to: git push heroku main
Log in to heroku -> addons -> search 'postgres'
select Heroku Postgres--> Hobby Free
open Resources tab --> click on the database name
copy down values for the database settings
In the terminal at the root dir of your project, add the values from your postgres heroku add on, name them exactly as you have set up in your .env file
- heroku config:set = --app