Source code, pretrained model and fact sheet of our solution to NTIRE 2024 Efficient Super-resolution. More details can be found in the official repository of the challenge
The evaluation environments adopted by us is recorded in the requirements.txt
. After you built your own basic Python setup via either virtual environment or anaconda, please try to keep similar to it via:
pip install -r requirements.txt
or take it as a reference based on your original environments.
After downloaded all the necessary validate dataset (DIV2K_LSDIR_valid_LR and DIV2K_LSDIR_valid_HR), please organize them as follows:
| |--000001.png
| |--000002.png
| |--...
| |--000100.png
| |--0801.png
| |--0802.png
| |--...
| |--0900.png
| |--000001x4.png
| |--000002x4.png
| |--...
| |--000100x4.png
| |--0801x4.png
| |--0802x4.png
| |--...
| |--0900.png
| |--...
| |
| |--...
- Select the model you would like to test from
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --data_dir [path to your data dir] --save_dir [path to your save dir] --model_id 44
- Be sure the change the directories
- Be sure the change the directories
- More detailed example-command can be found in
for your convenience.
All fact sheet files are in folder Fact Sheet
is the compiled pdf file of our fact sheet.
is the corresponding .tex source files. Important files in zip file are EfficientSR_factsheet.tex
which is .tex source file. egbib.bib
is the BibTex form reference file. fig.pdf
and fig1.pdf
are source images of the fact sheet. You can select zip file and upload it to a common LaTeX editor to check the details.
This code repository is release under MIT License.