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Opinionated, transactional, MobX powered state container combining the best features of the immutable and mutable world for an optimal DX

Mobx 和 MST 都是非常令人惊奇的软件, for me it is the missing brick when you build React based apps. Thanks for the great work!# Contents

Nicolas Galle full post Introduction blog post The curious case of MobX state tree



Typescript typings are included in the packages. Use module: "commonjs" or moduleResolution: "node" to make sure they are picked up automatically in any consuming project.



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mobx-state-tree is a state container that combines the simplicity and ease of mutable data with the traceability of immutable data and the reactiveness and performance of observable data.

Simply put, mobx-state-tree tries to combine the best features of both immutability (transactionality, traceability and composition) and mutability (discoverability, co-location and encapsulation) based approaches to state management; everything to provide the best developer experience possible. Unlike MobX itself, mobx-state-tree is very opinionated on how data should be structured and updated. This makes it possible to solve many common problems out of the box.

MST (mobx-state-tree) 的核心思想就是一个动态树。它由严格受保护的易变对象以及运行时类型信息浓缩而成。换句话说,每个树都是由一个结构(类型信息)和一个状态(数据)组成。


import { types, onSnapshot } from "mobx-state-tree"

const Todo = types.model("Todo", {
    title: types.string,
    done: false
}).actions(self => ({
    toggle() {
        self.done = !self.done

const Store = types.model("Store", {
    todos: types.array(Todo)

// 通过快照创建一个实例
const store = Store.create({ todos: [{
    title: "Get coffee"

// 监听新快照
onSnapshot(store, (snapshot) => {

// 调用 action 去修改树
// prints: `{ todos: [{ title: "Get coffee", done: true }]}`

通过使用这些可用的类型信息,快照可以被转换为一个动态树,反之亦然,也是零操作即可转换回去。因此,MST 默认就能支持时间旅行和类似于热替换的功能,可参考示例

之所以用这样的方式去设计类型信息,就是为了在设计时以及运行时都可以检查类型的正确性(在 TypeScript 中类型检查都是片刻就可以完成的)。

[mobx-state-tree] Value '{\"todos\":[{\"turtle\":\"Get tea\"}]}' is not assignable to type: Store, expected an instance of Store or a snapshot like '{ todos: { title: string; done: boolean }[] }' instead.


typescript error


因为状态树是一个动态可变的模型,action 可对它直接进行改写,就像修改本地实例属性一样。可参见上面示例中的toggleTodo()方法。不需要你自己手动去产生一个新的状态树,因为 MST 的快照功能会自动产生一个新的出来。

易变的特性听起来好像有些可怕,但是先不要急着害怕,因为 action 给我们提供了很多有趣的特性:

  1. 默认情况下,当前树只能被隶属于相同子树的 action 所修改。
  2. Action 可以被复制,可以用来分发变化(example)。
  3. 变化可以在一个相当细的粒度上被检测到,默认支持 JSON patch

Simply subscribing to the patch stream of a tree is another way to sync diffs with, for example, back-end servers or other clients (example).


MST 无缝结合了 mobx 和 mobx-react。更酷的是,因为它默认支持快照、中间件以及可复制的 action,所以它甚至可以替代 Redux 和 reducer。

这甚至可以将 Redux 开发者工具和 MST 联接起来。可查看一个[使用 Redux 与 MST 实现的待办事项示例]。


MST 内置了引用、标识符、依赖注入、变更记录以及类型循环定义(甚至是跨文件)。

Even fancier: it analyses liveliness of objects, failing early when you try to access accidentally cached information! (More on that later)。

MST 中的一个独特特性就是提供了很灵活的担保,当你试图从对象中读写不属于状态树的部分时,它就会抛出异常。这可以保护你免受那些仍然被引用的对象的意外读取,例如:闭包。

const oldTodo = store.todos[0]

function logTodo(todo) {
        () => console.log(todo.title),

// 使用过期对象,在一秒钟后会抛出异常

可查看简洁明了的 API 文档。

Another way to look at mobx-state-tree is to consider it, as argued by Daniel Earwicker, to be "React, but for data".

类似于 React,MST 是由被称为 model 的组件所构成,它们用来捕捉小块的数据。它们通过 props(快照)被实例化以后,用来管理和保护它们内部的数据(使用 action)。当应用快照的时候,树节点就会尽量保持一致。这就类似于上下文环境机制,可将信息传递给深层的子节点。

An introduction to the philosophy can be watched here. Slides. Or, as markdown to read it quickly.

mobx-state-tree "immutable trees" and "graph model" features talk, "Next Generation State Management" at React Europe 2017. Slides.


  • Bookshop Example webshop application with references, identifiers, routing, testing etc.
  • Boxes Example app where one can draw, drag, and drop boxes. With time-travelling and multi-client synchronization over websockets.
  • Redux TodoMVC Redux TodoMVC application, except that the reducers are replaced with a MST. Tip: open the Redux devtools; they will work!


MobX 状态树,顾名思义,就是用来构建状态的树。



import {types} from "mobx-state-tree"

// 定义节点的组成结构
const Todo = types.model({
    title: types.string

// 基于 Todo 节点声明创建一个树,并初始化数据
const coffeeTodo = Todo.create({
    title: "Get coffee"

types.model通常用来定义对象的结构。其它内置的 type,还有 array、map和原始类型等,可以查看types 综述

创建 model

在 MST 中最重要的类型就是types.model,用来描述一个对象的组成结构。例如:

const TodoStore = types
    .model("TodoStore", {                             // 1
        loaded: types.boolean                         // 2
        endpoint: "http://localhost",                 // 3
        todos: types.array(Todo),                     // 4
        selectedTodo: types.reference(Todo)           // 5
    .views(self => {
        return {
            get completedTodos() {                    // 6
                return self.todos.filter(t => t.done)
            findTodosByUser(user) {                   // 7
                return self.todos.filter(t => t.assignee === user)
    .actions(self => {
        return {
            addTodo(title) {
                    id: Math.random(),

创建一个 model 时,建议给 model 方法定义一个名称以用于 debug 代码时使用;第二个对象参数定义了它所有的属性。(标有 1 的代码行)

属性参数是一个 key-value 的集合,key 表示属性名称,value 表示它的数据类型。下面的类型都是可接受的:

  1. 可以是一个简单的原始类型,例如:types.boolean(标有 2 的代码行);可以是一个复杂的事先定义好的类型(标有 4 的代码行)
  2. 可以直接使用一个原始类型值作为默认值(标有 3 的代码行),endpoint: "http://localhost"等同于endpoint: types.optional(types.string, "http://localhost")。MST 可以通过默认值推测出其数据类型是什么,拥有默认值的属性在创建快照时可以进行省略。
  3. 可以是一个计算属性(标有 6 的代码行)。MobX 会记忆和追踪计算属性。计算属性将不会被存储在快照里,也不会触发 patch 事件。也可能会给计算属性提供一个 setter 方法,并且 setter 方法只能在 action 里被调用。
  4. 可以是一个 view 函数(标有 7 的代码行)。View 函数跟计算属性不同,它可以获得任意数量的参数。虽然它不会被记忆,但是它的值可以被 MobX 追踪。View 函数不允许修改 model,通常只是用它来检索 model 的信息。

提示:(self) => ({ action1() { }, action2() { }})是 ES6 的语法,它等价行function (self) { return { action1: function() { }, action2: function() { } }},换句话说,它是一种返回对象字面量的简写方式。 一个 model 的每个成员之间必须强制添加一个逗号,这个与 class 的语法规则是完全不同的。

types.model支持链式写法,每一个链上的方法都会产生一个新的 type:

  • .named(name)方法会以新的 name 克隆当前 type
  • .props(props)方法会基于当前产生一个新的 type,并且可以添加或者覆盖掉指定的属性
  • .actions(self => object literal with actions)方法会基于当前产生一个新的 type,并且可以添加或者覆盖指定的 action
  • .views(self => object literal with view functions)方法会基于当前产生一个新的 type,并且可以添加或者覆盖指定的 view 方法
  • .preProcessSnapshot(snapshot => snapshot)通常在实例化一个新的 model 之前用来预处理原始 JSON 数据。可查看生命周期勾子

注意:viewsactions不会直接定义 action 和 view,但仍需要给它们传递一个 function。此 function 会在一个新的 model 实例被创建时引入,此 model 实例会被作为唯一参数传递给 function,通常被命名为self


  1. 所有的方法都会正确的绑定 this 上下文。
  2. 闭包通常用来存储实例的私有状态或者方法。可查看actionsvolatile state


const TodoStore = types
    .model("TodoStore", { /* props */ })
    .actions(self => {
        const instantiationTime =

        function addTodo(title) {
            console.log(`Adding Todo ${title} after ${( - instantiationTime) / 1000}s.`)
                id: Math.random(),

        return { addTodo }

可以很完美的以任意顺序链式调用多个viewsprops。这种方式可以用来非常好的组织 types,以及混入一些实用的函数。每次的链式调用都会创建一个可以被它自己存储以及作为其它 types 的一部分重复使用的、新的、不可变的 type。

可以在 action 对象内定义生命周期的勾子,这些拥有预先定义的名称的 action 将会在特定时刻被执行。可查看生命周期勾子


MST 树拥有非常特别的语义,这些语义的目的就是为了在你使用 MST 时进行约束。它带来的好处就是提供了各种各样的通用特性,比如:快照、可玩性等。如果这些约束不适用于你的应用,你最好使用普通的 mobx 去结合你的 model 类,这样对于你可能更好一些。

  1. 在 MST 中每个对象被认为是一个“node”。每一个原始值被认为是一片“叶子”。
  2. MST 仅仅拥有三种节点类型:model、array 和 map。
  3. MST 中的每一个 节点 就是它本身。任何可以应用到完整树上的操作都可以应用到子树上。
  4. 一个节点只能在一个树中存在一次,这样可确保它是唯一可辨识的。
  5. 可以在相同的树中使用 reference 去引用另一个对象。
  6. 对存在于一个应用中的 MST 树没有数量限制,但是一个节点仅仅只能存在于一个树中。
  7. 树上的所有叶子都必须是可序列化的,否则,就不能被存储,例如:MST 中的函数。
  8. The only free-form type in MST is frozen; with the requirement that frozen values are immutable and serializable so that the MST semantics can still be upheld.
  9. At any point in the tree it is possible to assign a snapshot to the tree instead of a concrete instance of the expected type. In that case an instance of the correct type, based on the snapshot, will be automatically created for you.
  10. Nodes in the MST tree will be reconciled (the exact same instance will be reused) when updating the tree by any means, based on their identifier property. If there is no identifier property, instances won't be reconciled.
  11. 如果树中的一个节点被另一个节点替代了,那么源节点就会死去变成不可用的状态。这可以确保你不会在应用程序中意外地操作了过期对象。
  12. 如果你想基于树中的已有节点创建一个新的节点,你可以detach或者clone那个它。


In MST every node in the tree is a tree in itself. Trees can be composed by composing their types:

const TodoStore = types.model({
    todos: types.array(Todo)

const storeInstance = TodoStore.create({
    todos: [{
        title: "Get biscuit"

传递给create方法的_快照_将会被递归地转换成 MST 节点。因此,你可以安全地这样调用:

storeInstance.todos[0].setTitle("Chocolate instead plz")

因为树中的任何节点就是它自己本身,所以 MST 中内置的任何方法都可以在任何节点上被调用,而不仅仅是在根节点上。这使得获取某一子树的 patch 流或者是仅仅在某一子树上应用一个中间件都是可行的。


默认情况下,只有其中的一个 action 或者更高层级的 action 才能修改节点数据。可以通过传递给action的初始化函数中返回一个对象来定义 action。每次实例化时,初始化函数都会被执行,因此,self一直指向的都是当前实例。同时,可以在函数中创建用来储存数据的闭包,这种也被称为实例的 volatile 状态;或者是创建只能被 action 调用的私有方法。

const Todo = types.model({
        title: types.string
    .actions(self => {
        function setTitle(newTitle) {
            self.title = newTitle

        return {


const Todo = types.model({
        title: types.string
    .actions(self => ({ // 注意 `({`,这样返回了一个对象字面量
        setTitle(newTitle) {
            self.title = newTitle

Action 是可被复制的,因此有若干使用约束需要你知道:

  • 不使用 action 修改节点将会抛出异常
  • 建议 action 的参数都是可序列化的。有些参数是可以被自动序列化,例如,相对于其它节点的相对路径
  • 不要在 action 内部使用this,应该用self来代替它。这使得可以很安全的在没有绑定this上下文的函数以及箭头函数中去传递 action


  •   onAction列出在 model 中,以及它的后代节点中已经引用的任何 action
  •   addMiddleware listens to any action that is invoked on the model or any of its descendants.(此处的官方说明和API的说明有出入)
  •   applyAction在 model 中,根据给定的 action 描述去引入一个 action

异步的 action

在 MST 中,异步 action 是作为第一级支持的,详情信息描述可查看这里

异步 action 是用 generator 实现的,并且总是返回一个 promise。可参考实例:bookshop sources。下面是实例的部分主要代码:

import { types, flow } from "mobx-state-tree"

someModel.actions(self => {
    const fetchProjects = flow(function* () { // <- note the star, this a generator function!
        self.state = "pending"
        try {
            // ... yield can be used in async/await style
            self.githubProjects = yield fetchGithubProjectsSomehow()
            self.state = "done"
        } catch (error) {
            // ... including try/catch error handling
            console.error("Failed to fetch projects", error)
            self.state = "error"
        // The action will return a promise that resolves to the returned value
        // (or rejects with anything thrown from the action)
        return self.githubProjects.length

    return { fetchProjects }

Action 监听器与中间件的对比

Action 监听器与中间件的区别是:中间件可以主动拦截那些调用了它的 action,modify arguments, return types etc. Action 监听器不能主动拦截,它只能被动的接受通知。Action listeners receive the action arguments in a serializable format, while middleware receives the raw arguments. (onAction is actually just a built-in middleware)



This may be desired if the default protection of mobx-state-tree doesn't fit your use case. For example, if you are not interested in replayable actions, or hate the effort of writing actions to modify any field; unprotect(tree) will disable the protected mode of a tree, allowing anyone to directly modify the tree.


任何从你的数据状态中的派生都可以被称之为“view”或者“derivation”(推导)。想了解更多背景信息可查看Mobx 概念与原则

View 有两种形式:有参数和无参数。后者一般被称为计算值,基于的是 MobX 的计算概念。两者最主要的区别就是计算属性有一个明确的缓存点,但是它们更深层的工作方式是相同的 and any other computed value or Mobx based reaction like @observer components can react to them. 计算值是基于 getter 方法定义的。


import { autorun } from "mobx"

const UserStore = types
        users: types.array(User)
    .views(self => ({
        get amountOfChildren() {
            return self.users.filter(user => user.age < 18).length
        amountOfPeopleOlderThan(age) {
            return self.users.filter(user => user.age > age).length

const userStore = UserStore.create(/* */)

// Every time the userStore is updated in a relevant way, log messages will be printed
autorun(() => {
    console.log("There are now ", userStore.amountOfChildren, " children")
autorun(() => {
    console.log("There are now ", userStore.amountOfPeopleOlderThan(75), " pretty old people")

如果你想在 view 和 action 之间共享 volatile 数据,就得使用.extend代替.views.actions了,可查看volatile 数据



快照不包含任何类型信息并且从所有 action 中剥离了出来,因此,它非常适合用于传输。请求一个快照是非常廉价的,MST 在后台维护着每一个在结构上都是共享的节点快照。

coffeeTodo.setTitle("Tea instead plz")

// prints `{ title: "Tea instead plz" }`


  • 快照是不可变的
  • 快照可以用来传输
  • 快照可以用来更新 model 或者是恢复它们到某一状态
  • 快照可以在需要的时候自动转换成 model。因此下面的两种表述是等价的:store.todos.push(Todo.create({ title: "test" }))store.todos.push({ title: "test" })


  • getSnapshot(model):返回一个表示当前 model 状态的快照
  • onSnapshot(model, callback):无论何时,当一个新快照可用时,就创建一个监听器(but only one per MobX transaction)
  • applySnapshot(model, snapshot):使用快照更新 model 以及它所有后代的状态


对一个 model 进行修改时,不仅会产生一个新的快照,而且会生一个描述修改的 JSON-patches 流。

Patche 拥有以下特征:

    export interface IJsonPatch {
        op: "replace" | "add" | "remove"
        path: string
        value?: any
  • Patches 是根据 JSON-Patch, RFC 6902 构造的
  • Patches are emitted immediately when a mutation is made, and don't respect transaction boundaries (like snapshots)
  • Patch 监听器通常用来完成深层次的观察
  • 一个 patch 的path属性包含着相对于事件监听器被加载的位置的路径
  • 一个单一的 mutation 可能会产生多个 patch,例如切分数组的时候
  • Patches can be reverse applied, which enables many powerful patterns like undo / redo


  • onPatch(model, listener)给当前 model 添加一个 patch 监听器,当前 model 或者它的任何后代产生突变时都会被调用
  • applyPatch(model, patch)给当前 model 应用一个 patch(或者是一个 patch 数组)
  • revertPatch(model, patch)反向应用一个 patch(或者是一个 patch 数组)到当前提供的 model。这种给 model 反向回放一系列 patch 的方式,通常用来将 model 带回到它的初始的状态


在 MST 中,引用和标识符是一个一级的概念。

This makes it possible to declare references, and keep the data normalized in the background, while you interact with it in a denormalized manner.


const Todo = types.model({
    id: types.identifier(),
    title: types.string

const TodoStore = types.model({
    todos: types.array(Todo),
    selectedTodo: types.reference(Todo)

// create a store with a normalized snapshot
const storeInstance = TodoStore.create({
    todos: [{
        id: "47",
        title: "Get coffee"
    selectedTodo: "47"

// 因为 `selectedTodo` 被定义为一个标识符,所以它实际返回的是一个与标识符相匹配的 Todo 节点,也就是`id=47`那个节点。console.log(storeInstance.selectedTodo.title)
// prints "Get coffee"


  • 每个 model 可定义零个或者一个identifier()属性
  • 一个对象的标识符属性不可以在后面的初始化中被修改
  • Each identifier / type combination should be unique within the entire tree
  • Identifiers are used to reconcile items inside arrays and maps - wherever possible - when applying snapshots
  • The map.put() method can be used to simplify adding objects that have identifiers to maps
  • The primary goal of identifiers is not validation, but reconciliation and reference resolving. For this reason identifiers cannot be defined or updated after creation. If you want to check if some value just looks as an identifier, without providing the above semantics; use something like: types.refinement(types.string, v => v.match(/someregex/))

Tip: If you know the format of the identifiers in your application, leverage types.refinement to actively check this, for example the following definition enforces that identifiers of Car always start with the string Car_:

const Car = types.model("Car", {
    id: types.identifier(types.refinement(types.string, identifier => identifier.indexOf("Car_") === 0))


References are defined by mentioning the type they should resolve to. The targeted type should have exactly one attribute of the type identifier(). References are looked up through the entire tree, but per type. So identifiers need to be unique in the entire tree.


The default implementation uses the identifier cache to resolve references (See resolveIdentifier). However, it is also possible to override the resolve logic, and provide your own custom resolve logic. This also makes it possible to, for example, trigger a data fetch when trying to resolve the reference (example).


const User = types.model({
    id: types.identifier(),
    name: types.string

const UserByNameReference = types.maybe(
    types.reference(User, {
        // given an identifier, find the user
        get(identifier /* string */, parent: any /*Store*/) {
            return parent.users.find(u => === identifier) || null
        // given a user, produce the identifier that should be stored
        set(value /* User */) {

const Store = types.model({
    users: types.array(User),
    selection: UserByNameReference

const s = Store.create({
    users: [{ id: "1", name: "Michel" }, { id: "2", name: "Mattia" }],
    selection: "Mattia"

Listening to observables, snapshots, patches or actions

MST is powered by MobX. This means that it is immediately compatible with observer components, or reactions like autorun:

import { autorun } from "mobx"

autorun(() => {

But, because MST keeps immutable snapshots in the background, it is also possible to be notified when a new snapshot of the tree is available. This is similar to .subscribe on a redux store:

onSnapshot(storeInstance, newSnapshot => {
    console.dir("Got new state: ", newSnapshot)

However, sometimes it is more useful to precisely know what has changed, rather than just receiving a complete new snapshot. For that, MST supports json-patches out of the box

onPatch(storeInstance, patch => {
    console.dir("Got change: ", patch)

storeInstance.todos[0].setTitle("Add milk")
// prints:
    path: "/todos/0",
    op: "replace",
    value: "Add milk"

Similarly, you can be notified whenever an action is invoked by using onAction

onAction(storeInstance, call => {
    console.dir("Action was called: ", call)

storeInstance.todos[0].setTitle("Add milk")
// prints:
    path: "/todos/0",
    name: "setTitle",
    args: ["Add milk"]

It is even possible to intercept actions before they are applied by adding middleware using addMiddleware:

addMiddleware(storeInstance, (call, next) => {
    call.args[0] = call.args[0].replace(/tea/gi, "Coffee")
    return next(call)

A more extensive middleware example can be found in this code sandbox. For more details on creating middleware and the exact specification of middleware events, see the docs

Finally, it is not only possible to be notified about snapshots, patches or actions; it is also possible to re-apply them by using applySnapshot, applyPatch or applyAction!

Volatile state

MST models primarily aid in storing persistable state. State that can be persisted, serialized, transferred, patched, replaced etc. However, sometimes you need to keep track of temporary, non-persistable state. This is called volatile state in MST. Examples include promises, sockets, DOM elements etc. - state which is needed for local purposes as long as the object is alive.

Volatile state (which is also private) can be introduced by creating variables inside any of the action initializer functions.

Volatile is preserved for the life-time of an object, and not reset when snapshots are applied etc. Note that the life time of an object depends on proper reconciliation, see the how does reconciliation work? section below.

The following is an example of an object with volatile state. Note that volatile state here is used to track a XHR request, and clean up resources when it is disposed. Without volatile state this kind of information would need to be stored in an external WeakMap or something similar.

const Store = types.model({
        todos: types.array(Todo),
        state: types.enumeration("State", ["loading", "loaded", "error"])
    .actions(self => {
        const pendingRequest = null // a Promise

        function afterCreate() {
            self.state = "loading"
            pendingRequest = someXhrLib.createRequest("someEndpoint")

        function beforeDestroy() {
            // abort the request, no longer interested

        return {

Some tips:

  1. Note that multiple actions calls can be chained. This makes it possible to create multiple closures with their own protected volatile state.

  2. Although in the above example the pendingRequest could be initialized directly in the action initializer, it is recommended to do this in the afterCreate hook, which will only once the entire instance has been set up (there might be many action and property initializers for a single type).

  3. The above example doesn't actually use the promise. For how to work with promises / asynchronous flows, see the asynchronous actions section above.

  4. It is possible to share volatile state between views and actions by using extend. .extend works like a combination of .actions and .views and should return an object with a actions and views field:

const Todo =  types.model({}).extend(self => {
    let localState = 3

    return {
        views: {
            get x() {
                return localState
        actions: {
            setX(value) {
                localState = value


In many cases it is useful to have volatile state that is observable (in terms of Mobx observables) and readable from outside the instance. In that case, in the above example, localState could have been declared as const localState = Since this is such a common pattern, there is a shorthand to declare such properties, and the example above could be rewritten to:

const Todo =  types.model({})
    .volatile(self => ({
        localState: 3
    .actions(self => ({
        setX(value) {
            self.localState = value

volatile的初始化函数中可以返回任意数量的数据对象,并且它们具有相同名字的实例属性。Volatile 属性具有以下特性:

  1. The can be read from outside the model (if you want hidden volatile state, keep the state in your closure as shown in the previous section)
  2. The volatile properties will be only observable be observable references. Values assigned to them will be unmodified and not automatically converted to deep observable structures.
  3. Like normal properties, they can only be modified through actions
  4. Volatile props will not show up in snapshots, and cannot be updated by applying snapshots
  5. Volatile props are preserved during the lifecycle of an instance. See also reconciliation
  6. Changes in volatile props won't show up in the patch or snapshot stream
  7. It is currently not supported to define getters / setters in the object returned by volatile


When creating a new state tree it is possible to pass in environment specific data by passing an object as the second argument to a .create call. This object should be (shallowly) immutable and can be accessed by any model in the tree by calling getEnv(self).

This is useful to inject environment, or test-specific utilities like a transport layer, loggers etc. This is also very useful to mock behavior in unit tests or provide instantiated utilities to models without requiring singleton modules. See also the bookshop example for inspiration.

import { types, getEnv } from "mobx-state-tree"

const Todo = types.model({
        title: ""
    .actions(self => ({
        setTitle(newTitle) {
            // grab injected logger and log
            getEnv(self).logger.log("Changed title to: " + newTitle)
            self.title = newTitle

const Store = types.model({
    todos: types.array(Todo)

// setup logger and inject it when the store is created
const logger = {
    log(msg) {

const store = Store.create({
        todos: [{ title: "Grab tea" }]
    }, {
        logger: logger // inject logger to the tree

store.todos[0].setTitle("Grab coffee")
// prints: Changed title to: Grab coffee

Types overview

These are the types available in MST. All types can be found in the types namespace, e.g. types.string. See Api Docs for examples.

Complex types

  • types.model(properties, actions) Defines a "class like" type, with properties and actions to operate on the object.
  • types.array(type) Declares an array of the specified type.
  • Declares a map of the specified type.

Primitive types

  • types.string
  • types.number
  • types.boolean
  • types.Date

Utility types

  • types.union(dispatcher?, types...) create a union of multiple types. If the correct type cannot be inferred unambiguously from a snapshot, provide a dispatcher function of the form (snapshot) => Type.
  • types.optional(type, defaultValue) marks an value as being optional (in e.g. a model). If a value is not provided the defaultValue will be used instead. If defaultValue is a function, it will be evaluated. This can be used to generate, for example, IDs or timestamps upon creation.
  • types.literal(value) can be used to create a literal type, where the only possible value is specifically that value. This is very powerful in combination with unions. E.g. temperature: types.union(types.literal("hot"), types.literal("cold")).
  • types.enumeration(name?, options: string[]) creates an enumeration. This method is a shorthand for a union of string literals.
  • types.refinement(name?, baseType, (snapshot) => boolean) creates a type that is more specific than the base type, e.g. types.refinement(types.string, value => value.length > 5) to create a type of strings that can only be longer then 5.
  • types.maybe(type) makes a type optional and nullable, shorthand for types.optional(types.union(type, types.literal(null)), null).
  • types.null the type of null
  • types.undefined the type of undefined
  • types.late(() => type) can be used to create recursive or circular types, or types that are spread over files in such a way that circular dependencies between files would be an issue otherwise.
  • types.frozen Accepts any kind of serializable value (both primitive and complex), but assumes that the value itself is immutable and serializable.
  • types.compose(name?, type1...typeX), creates a new model type by taking a bunch of existing types and combining them into a new one

Property types

Property types can only be used as a direct member of a types.model type and not further composed (for now).

  • types.identifier(subType?) Only one such member can exist in a types.model and should uniquely identify the object. See identifiers for more details. subType should be either types.string or types.number, defaulting to the first if not specified.
  • types.reference(targetType) creates a property that is a reference to another item of the given targetType somewhere in the same tree. See references for more details.

LifeCycle hooks for types.model

All of the below hooks can be created by returning an action with the given name, like:

const Todo = types
    .model("Todo", { done: true })
    .actions(self => ({
        afterCreate() {
            console.log("Created a new todo!")

The exception to this rule is the preProcessSnapshot hook. Because it is needed before instantiating model elements, it needs to be defined on the type itself:

    .model("Todo", { done: true })
    .preProcessSnapshot(snapshot => ({
        // auto convert strings to booleans as part of preprocessing
        done: snapshot.done === "true" ? true : snapshot.done === "false" ? false : snapshot.done
    .actions(self => ({
        afterCreate() {
            console.log("Created a new todo!")
Hook Meaning
preProcessSnapshot Before creating an instance or applying a snapshot to an existing instance, this hook is called to give the option to transform the snapshot before it is applied. The hook should be a pure function that returns a new snapshot. This can be useful to do some data conversion, enrichment, property renames etc. This hook is not called for individual property updates. Note 1: Unlike the other hooks, this one is not created as part of the actions initializer, but directly on the type! Note 2: The preProcessSnapshot transformation must be pure; it should not modify its original input argument!
afterCreate Immediately after an instance is created and initial values are applied. Children will fire this event before parents
afterAttach As soon as the direct parent is assigned (this node is attached to another node). If an element is created as part of a parent, afterAttach is also fired. Unlike afterCreate, afterAttach will fire breadth first. So, in afterAttach one can safely make assumptions about the parent, but in afterCreate not
postProcessSnapshot This hook is called every time a new snapshot is being generated. Typically it is the inverse function of preProcessSnapshot. This function should be a pure function that returns a new snapshot.
beforeDetach As soon as the node is removed from the direct parent, but only if the node is not destroyed. In other words, when detach(node) is used
beforeDestroy Called before the node is destroyed, as a result of calling destroy, or by removing or replacing the node from the tree. Child destructors will fire before parents

Note, except for preProcessSnapshot, all hooks should be defined as actions.

All hooks can be defined multiple times and can be composed automatically.

Api overview

See the full API docs for more details.

addDisposer(node, () => void) Function to be invoked whenever the target node is to be destroyed
addMiddleware(node, middleware: (actionDescription, next) => any) Attaches middleware to a node. See middleware. Returns disposer.
applyAction(node, actionDescription) Replays an action on the targeted node
applyPatch(node, jsonPatch) Applies a JSON patch, or array of patches, to a node in the tree
applySnapshot(node, snapshot) Updates a node with the given snapshot
createActionTrackingMiddleware Utility to make writing middleware that tracks async actions less cumbersome
clone(node, keepEnvironment?: true | false | newEnvironment) Creates a full clone of the given node. By default preserves the same environment
decorate(middleware, function) Attaches middleware to a specific action (or flow)
destroy(node) Kills node, making it unusable. Removes it from any parent in the process
detach(node) Removes node from its current parent, and lets it live on as standalone tree
flow(generator) creates an asynchronous flow based on a generator function
getChildType(node, property?) Returns the declared type of the given property of node. For arrays and maps property can be omitted as they all have the same type
getEnv(node) Returns the environment of node, see environments
getParent(node, depth=1) Returns the intermediate parent of the node, or a higher one if depth > 1
getPath(node) Returns the path of node in the tree
getPathParts(node) Returns the path of node in the tree, unescaped as separate parts
getRelativePath(base, target) Returns the short path, which one could use to walk from node base to node target, assuming they are in the same tree. Up is represented as ../
getRoot(node) Returns the root element of the tree containing node
getSnapshot(node) Returns the snapshot of the node. See snapshots
getType(node) Returns the type of node
hasParent(node, depth=1) Returns true if node has a parent at depth
isAlive(node) Returns true if node is alive
isStateTreeNode(value) Returns true if value is a node of a mobx-state-tree
isProtected(value) Returns true if the given node is protected, see actions
isRoot(node) Returns true if node has no parents
joinJsonPath(parts) Joins and escapes the given path parts into a JSON path
onAction(node, (actionDescription) => void) A built-in middleware that calls the provided callback with an action description upon each invocation. Returns disposer
onPatch(node, (patch) => void) Attach a JSONPatch listener, that is invoked for each change in the tree. Returns disposer
onSnapshot(node, (snapshot, inverseSnapshot) => void) Attach a snapshot listener, that is invoked for each change in the tree. Returns disposer
process(generator) DEPRECATED – replaced with flow
protect(node) Protects an unprotected tree against modifications from outside actions
recordActions(node) Creates a recorder that listens to all actions in node. Call .stop() on the recorder to stop this, and .replay(target) to replay the recorded actions on another tree
recordPatches(node) Creates a recorder that listens to all patches emitted by the node. Call .stop() on the recorder to stop this, and .replay(target) to replay the recorded patches on another tree
resolve(node, path) Resolves a path (json path) relatively to the given node
splitJsonPath(path) Splits and unescapes the given JSON path into path parts
typecheck(type, value) Typechecks a value against a type. Throws on errors. Use this if you need typechecks even in a production build.
tryResolve(node, path) Like resolve, but just returns null if resolving fails at any point in the path
unprotect(node) Unprotects node, making it possible to directly modify any value in the subtree, without actions
walk(startNode, (node) => void) Performs a depth-first walk through a tree
escapeJsonPath(path) escape special characters in an identifier, according to
unescapeJsonPath(path) escape special characters in an identifier, according to
resolveIdentifier(type, target, identifier) resolves an identifier of a given type in a model tree
resolvePath(target, path) resolves a JSON path, starting at the specified target

A disposer is a function that cancels the effect it was created for.


Building with production environment

MobX-state-tree provides a lot of dev-only checks. They check the correctness of function calls and perform runtime type-checks over your models. It is recommended to disable them in production builds. To do so, you should use webpack's DefinePlugin to set environment as production and remove them. More information could be found in the official webpack guides.

Generate MST models from JSON

The following service can generate MST models based on JSON:

optionals and default value functions

types.optional can take an optional function parameter which will be invoked each time a default value is needed. This is useful to generate timestamps, identifiers or even complex objects, for example:

createdDate: types.optional(types.Date, () => new Date())

toJSON() for debugging

For debugging you might want to use getSnapshot(model) to print the state of a model. But if you didn't import getSnapshot while debugging in some debugger; don't worry, model.toJSON() will produce the same snapshot. (For API consistency, this feature is not part of the typed API)

Handle circular dependencies between files using late

On the exporting file:

export function LateStore() {
    return types.model({
        title: types.string

In the importing file

import { LateStore } from "./circular-dep"

const Store = types.late(LateStore)

Thanks to function hoisting in combination with types.late, this lets you have circular dependencies between types, across files.

Simulate inheritance by using type composition

There is no notion of inheritance in MST. The recommended approach is to keep references to the original configuration of a model in order to compose it into a new one, for example by using types.compose (which combines two types) or producing fresh types using .props|.views|.actions. An example of classical inheritance could be expressed using composition as follows:

const Square = types
            width: types.number
    .views(self => ({
        surface() {
            return self.width * self.width

// create a new type, based on Square
const Box = Square
    .views(self => {
        // save the base implementation of surface
        const superSurface = self.surface

        return {
            // super contrived override example!
            surface() {
                return superSurface() * 1
            volume() {
                return self.surface * self.width

// no inheritance, but, union types and code reuse
const Shape = types.union(Box, Square)

Similarly, compose can be used to simply mixin types:

const CreationLogger = types.model().actions(self => ({
    afterCreate() {
        console.log("Instantiated " + getType(self).name)

const BaseSquare = types
        width: types.number
    .views(self => ({
        surface() {
            return self.width * self.width

export const LoggingSquare = types
        // combine a simple square model...
        // ... with the logger type
    // ..and give it a nice name


When not to use MST?

MST makes state management very tangible by offering access to snapshots, patches and by providing interceptable actions. Also it fixes the this problem. All these features have the downside that they incur a little runtime overhead. Although in many places the MST core can still be optimized significantly, there will always be a constant overhead. If you have a performance critical application that handles huge amounts of mutable data, you will probably be better off by using 'raw' mobx. Which has predictable and well-known performance characteristics, and has much less overhead.

Likewise, if your application is mainly dealing with stateless information (such as a logging system) MST doesn't add much values.

How does reconciliation work?

  • When applying snapshots, MST will always try to reuse existing object instances for snapshots with the same identifier (see types.identifier()).
  • If no identifier is specified, but the type of the snapshot is correct, MST will reconcile objects as well if they are stored in a specific model property or under the same map key.
  • In arrays, items without an identifier are never reconciled.

If an object is reconciled, the consequence is that localState is preserved and postCreate / attach life-cycle hooks are not fired because applying a snapshot results just in an existing tree node being updated.

Creating async flows

See creating asynchronous flow.

Using mobx and mobx-state-tree together

Yep, perfectly fine. No problem. Go on. observer, autorun etc. will work as expected.

Should all state of my app be stored in mobx-state-tree?

No, or, not necessarily. An application can use both state trees and vanilla MobX observables at the same time. State trees are primarily designed to store your domain data, as this kind of state is often distributed and not very local. For local component state, for example, vanilla MobX observables might often be simpler to use.

Can I use Hot Module Reloading?

Yes, with MST it is pretty straight forward to setup hot reloading for your store definitions, while preserving state. See the todomvc example

TypeScript & MST

TypeScript support is best-effort, as not all patterns can be expressed in TypeScript. But except for assigning snapshots to properties we get pretty close! As MST uses the latest fancy Typescript features it is recommended to use TypeScript 2.3 or higher, with noImplicitThis and strictNullChecks enabled.

When using models, you write an interface, along with its property types, that will be used to perform type checks at runtime. What about compile time? You can use TypeScript interfaces to perform those checks, but that would require writing again all the properties and their actions!

Good news! You don't need to write it twice! Using the typeof operator of TypeScript over the .Type property of a MST Type will result in a valid TypeScript Type!

const Todo = types.model({
        title: types.string
    .actions(self => ({
        setTitle(v: string) {
            self.title = v

type ITodo = typeof Todo.Type // => ITodo is now a valid TypeScript type with { title: string; setTitle: (v: string) => void }

Due to the way typeof operator works, when working with big and deep models trees, it might make your IDE/ts server takes a lot of CPU time and freeze vscode (or others) A partial solution for this is to turn the .Type into an interface.

type ITodoType = typeof Todo.Type;
interface ITodo extends ITodoType {};

Sometimes you'll need to take into account where your typings are available and where they aren't. The code below will not compile: TypeScript will complain that self.upperProp is not a known property. Computed properties are only available after .views is evaluated.

const Example = types
  .model('Example', {
    prop: types.string,
  .views(self => ({
    get upperProp(): string {
      return self.prop.toUpperCase();
    get twiceUpperProp(): string {
      return self.upperProp + self.upperProp;

You can circumvent this situation by declaring the views in two steps:

const Example = types
  .model('Example', { prop: types.string })
  .views(self => ({
    get upperProp(): string {
      return self.prop.toUpperCase();
  .views(self => ({
    get twiceUpperProp(): string {
      return self.upperProp + self.upperProp;

Another approach would be to use helper functions, as demonstrated in the following code. This definition allows for circular references, but is more verbose.

const Example = types
  .model('Example', { prop: types.string })
  .views(self => {
    function upperProp(): string {
      return self.prop.toUpperCase();
    function twiceUpperProp(): string {
      return upperProp() + upperProp();

    return {
      get upperProp(): string {
        return upperProp();
      get twiceUpperProp(): string {
        return twiceUpperProp();

Known Typescript Issue 5938

Theres a known issue with typescript and interfaces as described by: microsoft/TypeScript#5938

This rears its ugly head if you try to define a model such as:

import { types } from "mobx-state-tree"

export const Todo = types.model({
    title: types.string

export type ITodo = typeof Todo.Type

And you have your tsconfig.json settings set to:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "declaration": true,
    "noUnusedLocals": true

Then you will get errors such as:

error TS4023: Exported variable 'Todo' has or is using name 'IModelType' from external module "..." but cannot be named.

Until Microsoft fixes this issue the solution is to re-export IModelType:

import { types, IModelType } from "mobx-state-tree"

export type __IModelType = IModelType<any,any>;

export const Todo = types.model({
    title: types.string

export type ITodo = typeof Todo.Type

It ain't pretty, but it works.

How does MST compare to Redux

So far this might look a lot like an immutable state tree as found for example in Redux apps, but there are a few differences:

  • Like Redux, and unlike MobX, MST prescribes a very specific state architecture.
  • mobx-state-tree allows direct modification of any value in the tree; it is not necessary to construct a new tree in your actions.
  • mobx-state-tree allows for fine-grained and efficient observation of any point in the state tree.
  • mobx-state-tree generates JSON patches for any modification that is made.
  • mobx-state-tree provides utilities to turn any MST tree into a valid Redux store.
  • Having multiple MSTs in a single application is perfectly fine.


  1. Clone this repository
  2. Run yarn run bootstrap and yarn run build once.
  3. Extensive pull requests are best discussed in an issue first
  4. Have fun!


  • Mendix for sponsoring and providing the opportunity to work on exploratory projects like MST.
  • Dan Abramov's work on Redux has strongly influenced the idea of snapshots and transactional actions in MST.
  • Giulio Canti's work on tcomb and type systems in general has strongly influenced the type system of MST.
  • All the early adopters encouraging to pursue this whole idea and proving it is something feasible.


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