Numerical Analysis for Julia
To use this you can use the following line,
Pkg > add
Available Algorithm
- Point Approximation
- Bisection
- Fixed Point
- Newton's Method
- Secant's Method
- False Position
- Steffensen's Method
- Aitken's Delta Method
- Polynomials
- Neville's Method
- Differentiation
- three and five Mid/End point Method
- forward/backward differentiation
- Integration
- Simpson's Method
- Trapezoidal Method
- ODE's
- Euler's Method
- AB/AM Explicit Methods
- Matrix
- LU Factorization
julia> f(x) = (3.)^x
f (generic function with 1 method)
julia> Knum.Poly.Neville(f,1/2,[-2,-1,0,1,2])
5×5 Array{Float64,2}:
0.111111 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.333333 0.666667 0.0 0.0 0.0
1.0 1.33333 1.5 0.0 0.0
3.0 2.0 1.83333 1.77778 0.0
9.0 0.0 1.5 1.66667 1.70833
This project is using ForwardDiff.jl.
You can read their paper Forward-Mode Automatic Differentiation in Julia on arXiv, or Github Link