###Problem: AWS keeps charges for the free plans if you are not careful in managing the cpu time for your micro instance.
###Solution: Use scripting to stop the running instance at the end of the work day and start the instance at the beginning of the work day.
###Approach: Use the EC2 CLI api's to stop and start the instance. Use the Linux bash scripts to update the ssh config file.
These scripts assume that you are dealing with a single instance of the micro instance
AWS EC2 console has been used to create a micro instance
AWS EC2 console is used to create a security group to support ssh and other required protocols
AWS EC2 console is used to create the security key file xxxx.pem file
On Ubuntu dev box, ssh-keygen has been used to generate the proper keys
Copy the xxxx.pem file from step# 4 to the $HOME/.ssh folder Create a "config" file with the entry for only one instance for example: Host helphd HostName ec2-11-222-333-44.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com User ubuntu IdentityFile "~/.ssh/xxxx.pem"
git is installed and configured on the Ubuntu development box
To stop the instance type: $ ./stopec2.sh
To start the instance type: $ ./startec2.sh
To run the scripts above you need to do the following one time setup
mkdir /usr/local/ec2
cd /usr/local/ec2
wget http://s3.amazonaws.com/ec2-downloads/ec2-api-tools.zip
unzip ec2-api-tools.zip #go to next step if ec2-api-tools-1.* directory exists
rm ec2-api-tools.zip #remove the zip file as it is no longer needed
git clone git@github.com:cherukumilli/ec2_custom.git
cd ec2_custom
Goto https://console.aws.amazon.com/iam/home?#security_credential
Generate the Access Keys (Access Key ID and Secret Access Key)
Download the Access Keys file. It is called rootkey.csv.
Generate the X.509 Certificates
Download the certicates. They start with pk-.pem and cert-.pem
Copy all 3 files into the $HOME/ec2_custom foler
open the file $HOME/ec2_custom/dotfiles/.ec2
Edit entry AWS_ACCESS_KEY with the key from rootkey.csv (step #3)
Edit entry AWS_SECRET_KEY with the key from rootkey.csv (step #3)
10.Edit entry EC2_URL with the URL region for your instance. Check http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/SettingUp_CommandLine.html#set_ec2_url_linux for more info.
11.Edit the JAVA_HOME entry if needed. It currently pointing to: /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/jre.
12.save the file
a. Goto the AWS console: https://console.aws.amazon.com/console/home
b. Goto EC2 and create your instance if you haven't done so already
c. Copy the Instance ID (for example: i-1234567a)
d. Go to the $EC2_CUSTOM directory on your ubuntu dev box (cd $EC2_CUSTOM)
e. Replace the Instance ID place holder in startec2.sh and stopec2.sh with your Instance ID from step# c
f. save the files
$ exit
!! HURRAY !!!
You are ready to use the ec2 custom scripts for starting and stopping your instance