Pre-release: Primes Mapping π(1000)=168
Pre-releaseRunning Code
Still far from production but at least it has a minimum error. You may check the running code starting with Sequence Diagram shown below which is developed as the initial step on building the 10143 Grammars.
Clicking on each of objects will turn to 6 (six) diagrams in the cycle form of prime hexagon which is then return to the beginning. So in order to get code able to run online then the 168 is provided in json while 618 in xml.
This is formed as a partial of 168 (mapping) and 618 (feeding) that stand as the whole scheme of The M+F to C1+C2. Although the code is already running but however it is not yet user friendly as it could run only in GitHub API Platform.
This Pre-release 168 is being developed for eCommerce within 7 (seven) years. Based on the 19 Cells of 168 vs 618 tabulation then for the 618 it might need another 12 (twelve) years to develope those 10143 to become 1st Release.
So Be Patient and Stay Tuned!