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chewiebug edited this page Nov 11, 2017 · 21 revisions

Some interesting links concerning garbage collection

Know how about java gc

Sun / Oracle / OpenJDK

General knowledge about

Javaworld article rather old but generations well explained
Sun's memory management white paper lots of background knowledge but only up to java 1.5
Oracle's tuning guide for java 6 extensive information on all gc algorithms including recommendations (except G1)
Angelika Langer's article on garbage collection algorithms (German) in depth information on gc algorithms written in German
Angelika Langer's article on 'Garbage Collection Tuning' (German) helpful information on tuning goals and how to achieve them in German
How to tame java GC pauses? (Alexay Ragozin) Tuning of large heaps (16GB and larger) using CMS

G1 algorithm

Eric Bruno (Dr. Dobb's) explains G1 how does G1 work?
g1gc logs - basic - how to print and how to understand Interpretation of -XX:+PrintGCDetails G1 gc logs (blog article by yu zhang)
g1gc logs - Ergonomics -how to print and how to understand Interpretation of -XX:+PrintAdaptivePolicy (blog article by Monica Beckwith)
Monika Beckwith's presentation at JavaONE 2013 on G1 Garbage-First Collector: Current and Future Adaptability and Ergonomics (including tuning tips)
Garbage First Garbage Collector Tuning official tuning guide for G1 collector by Monica Beckwith


IBM Java Garbage Collection tuning by Chris Bailey

Oracle / OpenJDK JVM options

Alexey Ragozin's blog JVM garbage collection options cheat sheet very clearly laid out (including G1 options)
options for performance tuning Nicely commented list of command line options for Oracle JDK on
Oracle's list of -XX options includes defaults per option
tagtraum industries list of vm flags The initial developer of GCViewer collected quite a few vm options (up to java 1.5) Unified JVM logging New logging system introduced with JDK 9 Unified Logging in Java 9 with the -Xlog option Some help on using / configuring unified logging

(other) Tools

gceasy - cloud gc analyser including recommendations on how to tune the application fasterj - list of links to other gc log analysers.
IBM's Garbage Collection and Memory Visualizer very powerful analyser - doesn't support detailed G1 log files yet (only basic G1 logs [-verbose:gc or -XX:+PrintGC] as of 01/21/2012)

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