UBO (Unknown Bouncing Objects) is a minimalist clone of Qix.
The idea comes from the Ludum Dare 26 (April 2013) where 'miniQix' was posted by Wiering. MiniQix (http://www.wieringsoftware.nl/ld/miniqix/) is a javascript program, is simple and addictive to play, but have issues when managing many enemies.
So I want to code the same in Löve, a lua game engine, as an exercice, so here it is. I use middleclass and statefull to have a clear code. I use minimalist graphic and the grid size can be modified in code (main.lua).
To play : you must claimed 75% of the area. When building you are vulnerable. And you must not hit a wall in construction. Each new level add another enemie or "UBO".
See also topic on Löve forum : https://www.love2d.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=34741