For svg output, it is required that echarts 3.8+ is used and the echarts instance is renderred as svg.
It scrapes all echarts found in a web page as images. And it scrapes 3D charts too. Of course, it supports pyecharts as well. Please find the example in later section.
$ npm i -g echarts-scrappeteer
Node 7.6.0 or later
Usage: scrappeteer [options] <url/file>
-f, --format <png,jpeg,gif,svg> image format
-o, --output <outputname> output file name
-w, --wait <delay in milli-seconds> wait a while before scrapping
-v, --viewPort <width,height> force puppeteer to set viewport. for echarts gallery site only
-r, --clipRectangle <x,y,width,height> record rectangle when making gif animation
-c, --frameCounts <number> of frames. gif only
-i, --frameInterval <number> frame intervals. gif only
-s, --skipFrames <number> skip initial frames. gif only
-g, --gap time<number> between each gif snapshot. gif only
-h, --help output usage information
If the page load speed is slow or if the resulting image is partial, -w
parameter is
required to delay the scrape action.
Please note that if more than one echarts should be found in a page, -f
option applies to all.
Here is the command for your discretion:
$ scrappeteer
$ scrappeteer render.html
Where does the render.html
come from? It is genereted by pyecharts. Please visit
scrappeteer -w 2000 -f gif -r 525,50,770,750 -o gf3 -i 300 -c 10 -v 1300,800