Extension Photoshop script can be save each group out.
- In Photoshop, File -> Scripts -> Browse
- Choice Division.jsx in folder, it would be launch interface
Build several groups you want to export.
The final output name will be :
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
PSD Name | Interval char | Group Name | Suffix | . | Extension |
For example, we have 4 groups that named "Refl", "Gls", "Bump" and "Color".
You can specifies path use "text" layer.
The text layer regradness visible or level.
It help script known where the directory you want to save.
If no path found, It will be same as this PSD's directory.
Division have 3 formats can be output - tif, tga and jpg.
But tif only if the PSD color depth is not 8 bits.
Division have 3 features need following dependencies.
Name | Optional |
maketx | Yes |
exiftool | Yes |
texconv | Yes |
Make tx is a new feature starts from 1.3.
If set, Division will do maketx application after saved.
txConfig.txt is make tx configuration.
- bin=maketx program
- arguments=maketx argument
- colorspace=environment color space
- colorconfig=color conifg directory
- sRGB=sRGB color space keywords
- Raw=Raw color space keywords
- default=Default color space
You have to include texconv.exe application.
Please see DirectXTex
Convert dds file is a new feature starts from 1.5.
If set, Division will convert image as dds after saved.
ddsConfig.txt is convert dds configuration.
- bin=texconv.exe
- arguments=-f DDS -bcquick -y
- default_format=-f BC7_UNORM_SRGB -srgbi -aw 0.0
- normal_format=-f BC5_UNORM
- normal_format_keyword=_no
Remove exif information function starts from 1.4.
If set, it will remove exif information automatically by exiftool.
The remove exif function need 3rd-Party application - "exiftool"
Please download and place exiftool.exe into same as script's folder.
Resize options can resize image after saved.
You can select half or quarter.
If override is set, it will override every exists,
else if ignore exists is set, it will skip any exists.
You can choice the "_" or "." between <psd-name> and <group-name>
For example, you have a psd called myImages.psd and 2 groups called dif, bmp,
If you select "Underscore", it will output two images called :
Or you select "Dot", it will output two images called :
You can specifc the suffix.
For example, you fill suffix word as ".v1,
It will output images called myImages.dif.v1
And if you want no any suffix, just blank it.
You can specific the keyword for auto convert image to grayscale,
Sperate words by space.
For example, you want the Bump, Gls, Refl to grayscale,
Fill Bump Gls Refl
into that area, It will convert them after saved.
- Hide Outsd (Hide outside) if set, it will hide all layers in the world before saving
- Compress if set, it will make compression to image
- Gen low (Generate low resolution) if set,
it will generate a quarter image and suffix
- Visible : Only visible groups would be save.
- All Groups : All groups would be save.
- Cancel : Quit.
- The Photoshop file need saved before.
- The group must has one layer(not group) at least, otherwise it would be ignored.
- If color depth is not 8 bits, Just TIFF format can be export only.
- Photoshop CS6
- Photoshop CC 2014
- Photoshop CC 2015
- Photoshop CC 2015.5
- Photoshop CC 2017