Export texture from configuration
Texture Exporter will list all texture-set in this project.
Please check the texture-set you want to export,
If the name was renamed, click "Refresh" could be update the texture-set name.
"Check All" will check all texture-set, and "Check None" will uncheck all.
Before Substance Painter 2020, the UDIM number is part of texture-set name.
So if your texture-set name is named as UDIM number such as 1001, 1010, 1020...
The exporter will make it be legacy name from preset - legacy_name.
Specific channel and range combined by semi-colon, channel name with UDIM range.
The channel name must is lower-case, range expression can be start-end or single.
For example, 1001-1010, 1045-1050 or 1010.
The UDIM number is from 1001 ~ 9999, end number must less than start number.
For example, 1010-1005 is failed when parsing.
The wildcard "*" could be specific all in channel and udim number.
For example, diffuse:* is all diffuse's udim would be export,
*:1001-1010 is all channel will be export in 1001~1010.
- Range : diffuse:1001-1010
- Single: glossiness:1021
- Channel All: normal:*
- All Channel Range: *:1021-1025
- All Channel Single: *:1022
- Forec 8bits : If checked, exporter will export all by 8bits, otherwise it's bit-depth will due that channel's format.
- Convert : If checked, exporter will convert (TX) after export. It need convert application such as maketx.
- Export Textures : Export textures in this project.
- Export Mesh Maps : Export mesh maps in this project.
- Explore Directory : Open the directory by OS explorer.
- Preview Textures : List all output texture in Log window.
The config file is "ExportConfig.json" file.
- configName - This configuration title, for example "ABC".
- python - Python application for convert process, for example "python".
- converter - The converter application path.
- naming - Regular expression for pasing project name,
Must ends with .spp$ and contains at least 1 group capture.
That group catpure will be texture's title. - export_name - Export name specific, can be use substance painter's variable,
such as $textureSet, $udim..., must defined {0} to replace by title from project. - legacy_name - If the texture-set name is UDIM, it will use legacy_name for output.
- meshmap_map - The mesh map output name.
- preset - The export preset name.
- export_path - Specific the export sub-folder name.
- convert_path - Specific the convert sub-folder name.
- meshmap_path - Specific the mesh map output sub-folder name.
- export_format - Specific the output format such as "tif", "png", "tga"...
- convert_format - Specific the convert format such as "tx".
- normal_map - Specific the normal map format,
Texture Exporter always export normal map use converted map,
"open_gl" (OpenGL) or "direct_x" (DirectX). - paddingAlgorithm - Specific padding algorithm provided by substance painter.
- output_size - Specific output texture size : 4096,2048,1024,512.
- color_correct - 0 (False) or 1 (True) convert when color-correct,
color correct just don if texture format is sRGB8. - dithering : Specific dithering or not provided by substance painter.
- dilationDistance : Specific dilation distance.
- export_shader_params: Specific export shader parameter or not.
- maps: Dictionary channel and output name, you can define custom channel.
- meshmaps: Mesh map output settings.