An Angular Module to have a Linked Data Visualization similar to neo4j.
- Compaptible with the Neo4j data format
- Compatible the D3.js data format: ,
- Force simulation.
- Angular directives for event binding of hovering on nodes and relationshipis.
- A default info panel component that can be simply connected to the graph.
- An Angular Service to customize node colors of fill and strokes.
- Text nodes + Font Awesome icon nodes + SVG image nodes (e.g. using Twitter * Emoji)).
- Sticky nodes (drag to stick, single click to unstick).
- Toolbar to operate graph update
- Highlight nodes on init.
- Relationship auto-orientation.
- Zoom, pan, auto fit.
- More than one relationship between two nodes. (Coming Soon)
- Markers. (Coming Soon)
- Angular >= 10.0.0
Install this component through npm:
npm install @ngld/canvas
Add the component's element into the template with a prepared Linked Data set conforming to D3's node and links structure.
<ngld-canvas [graph]="{ nodes, relationships }" [zoomFit]="true"></ngld-canvas>
This library is greatly inspired by the neo4j visualization library: