Inventory of Composable Elements (ICE) is an open source registry software for biological parts developed by the Joint BioEnergy Institute. It is a Web application used by laboratories to track and search their constructs.
ICE is distributed under the Modified BSD license. See LICENSE.txt and LIBRARY_LICENSES.txt for details.
You can try out the software at our Public Registry.
Read the Manual for installation and usage instructions.
To set up a development environment for ICE you will need to install:
- BLAST+ ≥ 2.2.28
- Java JDK 7
- Maven ≥ 3.0
If you use a Debian-like operating system, the following command will install all the requirements
sudo apt-get install ncbi-blast+ default-jdk maven
- Checkout the code and enter the repository
git checkout cd ice
- Since the application requires an SSL certificate, generate one that the Jetty Web server can use this command. When prompted for a password, enter changeit
keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA -keystore ./.keystore
- Start Jetty
mvn jetty:run
- Point your browser to https://localhost:8443/ to access the application
To run the unit test suite
mvn test
- ICE Google Group
- Releases: Download the war file associated with the latest release
The VectorEditor project is used in ICE to display and edit sequences. It also contains other modules such as sequence checker.