I'm a fourth-year student at BITS Pilani - Goa Campus, juggling dual majors in Mathematics and Electronics & Instrumentation. I'm passionate about Data Science, Machine Learning, and automating solutions with AI.
- 🔭 Currently building AI automation projects and deep learning frameworks.
- 🌱 Diving deep into predictive modeling and innovative tech.
- 💬 Ask me about machine learning, AI chatbots, or how to extract insights from big data.
- ⚡ Fun Fact: The Fibonacci sequence isn’t just math—it appears in nature, from sunflowers to pinecones!
NLP | Automation Tools (RETELL, Make.com, Deepgram, Voiceflow)
A self-built analytical framework using NumPy to simplify deep learning model development across diverse datasets. -
An AI-powered chatbot that integrates research papers, PDFs, and YouTube data for smart, context-aware responses. -
Amazon OCR Project:
A scalable text extraction pipeline using EasyOCR and BERT, designed to process large image datasets efficiently.