Check Point management API script to migrate R77.30 wildcard objects to R80.20 compatible objects and rules
R77-export/wildcard-object python script is used to create a Wildcard object CSV file from a R77 management server objects_5_0.C
- This script is run on your R77.30 MDS
- Extract all current wildcard object information from objects_5_0.C
- Prepare objects_5_0.C for migrate export to R80 (update netmask for each wildcard object to a valid netmask)
convert-wildcard python script is used to load data from a Wildcard object CSV file into an R80.20 management server
- This script can be run from any machine with Python and API access to the R80.20 MDS
- Rename old R77 network object to a temporary name
- Create R80.20 version wildcard objects from Wildcard object CSV information
- Replace references in rulebase to old R77 network object with new R80.20 wildcard object
- Requires the Check Point API SDK be downloaded and configured correctly
First row of the file is a header row for the following columns:
- name
- color
- comments
- ipv4-address
- ipv4-wildcard
Example CSV
name,color,comments,ipv4-address,ipv4-mask-wildcard Example_VOICE_Server,orange,"Voice Server",,
- ssh into R80.20 management server
- enter expert mode
- copy file to /home/admin on R80.20 management server
curl_cli -k > /home/admin/
- chmod the script to be executable
chmod u+x /home/admin/
usage: [-h] -i INPUT -s SERVER [-u USER] [-p PASSWORD] [-d DOMAIN]
required arguments:
-i INPUT, --input INPUT
Input file with records to convert
-s SERVER, --server SERVER
Server URL for management server
optional arguments:
-u USER, --user USER Username to access the API
-p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
Password to access the API
-d DOMAIN, --domain DOMAIN
Domain (when using multidomain)
Global - the literal domain name for where global objects are stored (then reassign the global policy)
- Minimal -i output.csv -s -i output.csv -s
- Complete --input output.csv --server --user apiuser --password apipw --domain "My Domain" --input output.csv --server --user apiuser --password apipw --domain "My Domain"