In this project we should order a list of number with 2 stacks (A and B) using less possible operations.
We were limited by these operators:
- sa: Swap the two first element of stack A
- sb: Swap the two first element of stack B
- ra: Rotate number from stack A to the left, the first become the last.
- rb: Rotate number from stack B to the left, the first become the last.
- rra: Rotate number from stack A to the right, the last become the first.
- rrb: Rotate number from stack B to the right, the last become the first.
- pa: Push the first number from stack B to stack A. It will be at the first position of A
- pb: Push the first number from stack A to stack B. It will be at the first position of B
Example with this list of number: 2 1 3 6 5 8
Operator: sa
Stack A: 1 2 3 6 5 8
Stack B: -
Operator: pb
Stack A: 2 3 6 5 8
Stack B: 1 -
Operator: pb
Stack A: 3 6 5 8
Stack B: 2 1 -
Operator: pb
Stack A: 6 5 8
Stack B: 3 2 1 -
Operator: sa
Stack A: 5 6 8
Stack B: 3 2 1 -
Operator: pa
Stack A: 3 5 6 8
Stack B: 2 1 -
Operator: pa
Stack A: 2 3 5 6 8
Stack B: 1 -
Operator: pa
Stack A: 1 2 3 5 6 8
Stack B:
Only these functions were allowed: write, read, malloc, free and exit.