For the time being, please use the v1.0 tag. The CO2 ice tag has unresolved bugs
This code uses a two-stream approximation to calculate snow and ice spectral albedo and radiative fluxes at the interfaces of any number of snow or ice layers with distinct properties. To see earlier versions of the model go to: or
For additional reading on the model see:
- Whicker, C. A., Flanner, M. G., Dang, C., Zender, C. S., Cook, J. M., & Gardner, A. S. (2022). SNICAR-ADv4: A physically based radiative transfer model to represent the spectral albedo of glacier ice. The Cryosphere, 16(4), 1197–1220.
- Flanner, M. G., Arnheim, J., Cook, J. M., Dang, C., He, C., Huang, X., Singh, D., Skiles, S. M., Whicker, C. A., and Zender, C. S.: SNICAR-AD v3: A Community Tool for Modeling Spectral Snow Albedo, 1–49,, 2021.
The optical properties are found here
- download the model (snicarAD_v4.m)and model driver (snicarAD_v4_drv.m)
- download the optical properties from the above link ( snicar_adv4_OP.tar.gz if you want to run with snow algae, snicar_adv4_OP_no_snoalgae.tar.gz if you don't need snow algae) - you should have a file titled "snicar_480band"
- place the snicar_480band folder in the same directory as the model and driver.
- In snicarAD_v4.m, set variable "dir_op_root" to the directory where you unpacked the optics library
- open snicarAD_v4_drv.m and edit the snow and ice column properties and run