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chmarr edited this page Aug 2, 2012 · 10 revisions

Artshow Jockey is a Django application that will assist in running a convention-style Art Show. The software was written specifically to assist with the Further Confusion convention, but has been gladly submitted under a GPL licence to make it available to a wider audience. Changes and change requests to make it suitable for other conventions or styles of Art Show are very welcome.

In its current implementation, a number of ProcessAssumptions are being made which will become less and less as the software is changed to suit more shows. If your show can fit within the assumptions, then very little changes should need to be made (bugs aside).

See also the Features and concepts.


Django Setup

Example Email Template

Life of a Piece

Overview of Features for 1.0

Planned Features for 2.0


Barcode Structure

Barcode Reader Utility


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