Copyright 2013-2018 Christian M. Schmid
another open source cross-platform GUI for the todo.txt file format
- jdotxt, where you will find downloads for different operating systems and a quick guide video
to build jdotxt from its sources, you will need
- a Java Development Kit (JDK) Version 7 or higher
- Apache Ant as build system
I use Ubuntu as a build system, simply run
- sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk ant
to set up your build system.
To build jdotxt
Download the latest sources from github (e.g., "git clone")
Move into the directory (e.g., "cd jdotxt")
Run ant (i.e., "ant")
You can run the resulting jar file by executing
java -jar jar/jdotxt.jar
jdotxt uses code and libraries from the following open source projects:
- appbundler: for creating the OSX app bundle.
- todo.txt-android: jdotxt uses the same datastructures and IO functions that the official Android client uses.
- hamcrest: for testing.
- Java Native Access (JNA): for fixing some Windows 7/8 taskbar issues.
- junit: for testing.
- juniversalchardet: for automatically detecting the encoding scheme of your todo files.
- jdotxt, binaries and help for this very program.
- todo.txt is a simple file format for managing your todos.
- todo.txt-android an open source todo.txt Android client