A simple encryption and decryption tool that supports Vigenère and Caesar ciphers. Works with all printable ASCII characters (codes 32–126).
- Encrypt or decrypt text:
- Vigenère Cipher: Key-based encryption using a string.
- Caesar Cipher: Shift-based encryption using an integer.
- Interactive menu-driven interface.
- Input validation for plaintext, ciphertext, and keys.
Plaintext: Hello, World!
Key: KEY
Ciphertext: Riodc+%bwe|i%
Plaintext: Hello, World!
Key: 5
Ciphertext: Mjqqt%\twqi&
Ciphertext: Riodc+%bwe|i%
Key: KEY
Plaintext: Hello, World!
Ciphertext: Mjqqt%\twqi&
Key: 5
Plaintext: Hello, World!