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Ariston NET remotethermo integration for Home Assistant

Thin integration is a side project (my first integration) and was tested only with 1 zone climate. It logs in to Ariston website and fetches/sets data on that site. You are free to modify and distribute it, but it is distributed 'as is' with no liability (see license file).

Cimate and Water Heater components have presets to switch between off, summer and winter in order to be able to control boiler from one entity.

Integration slow nature

In order not to interfere with other applications (official Ariston applications via android or web, and Google Home) fetching of data has timers to read data from 1 to 16 minutes depending on specific sensor (for example errors and temperatures are fetched more often compared to gas use or time based program) and on configuration (polling_rate) with possible skip if some data was changed or communication error. Interfereing with other application causes their timeouts and occasionally gateway disconnection from the internet or hanging for long periods of time, thus decrease of retry intervals is not recommended. Setting of data is perfomed immediately on request with attempts scheduled to every 1 to 2.5 minutes depending on configuration (see polling_rate) and if there are too many errors that decreases speed of execution. Attribute max_retries is used to identify how many more attempts to be done after initial one (might be useful in case of unstable connection). If new request comes during setting procedure, it shall be processed during next scheduled attempt. Monitoring if change of configuration is being attempted can be viewed with changing_data binary_sensor. To reduce number of setting requests the integration waits for reading of data to determine if to stop the procedure or if to continue.

Integration was tested on and works with:

  • Ariston Clas Evo
  • Ariston Genus One with Ariston BCH cylinder
  • Ariston Nimbus Flex

Integration does not work with:

  • Ariston Velis Wifi

Integration installation

In /config folder create custom_components folder and load source files folder ariston in it In configuration.yaml include:

  username: !secret ariston_username
  password: !secret ariston_password

All additional attributes are described in Integration attributes


Localizations are located in corresponding .json file within .translations folder. Localization consists of two main parts:

  • Frontend translation (within corresponding sensor.__.json file), which works only with sensors due to functionality limitations. Change of frontend language automatically changes displayed value in frontend.
  • Backend translation (objects within backend.__.json file), which forces translated values to be used during components initilization for climate (preset) and water_heater (operation). Change of language can only be changed in configuration.yaml and is applied during Home Assistant start. Note that services use untranslated data, use velues specified in services.yaml!

Supported localizations:

  • en - English (default)
  • uk - Ukrainian
  • pl - Polish

Custom icons for mode sensor

Store contents of icons folder in \config\www\icons folder. Since builtin icons do not have similar representation as in Ariston app, this is an option to partly reflect the application view.

Integration attributes

  • username - mandatory user name used in
  • password - mandatory password used in ! It is recommended for security purposes to not use your common password, just in case !
  • name - friendly name for integration
  • localization - localization to be used. See Localizations
  • hvac_off_present - indicates if HVAC OFF shall be present in climate entity. Default value is false.
  • hvac_off - indicates how to treat HVAC OFF action in climate. Options are off and summer. By default it is summer, which means that turning off would keep DHW water heating on (e.g. summer mode). Presets in climate allow switching between off, summer and winter.
  • power_on - indicates which mode would be used for switch.turn_on action. Options are summer and winter. By default it is summer.
  • max_retries - number of retries to set the data in boiler. Retries are made in case of communication issues for example, which take place occasionally. By default the value is '1'.
  • store_config_files - true or false indicating if configuration json files to be stored in /config folder. Can be used for troubleshooting purposes for example. Default value is false.
  • control_from_water_heater - if water_heater entity will have controling parameters like summer or winter or off as part of operations. Default value is false.
  • units - which uniots to be used. Values are: metric (°C-bar-kW...), imperial (°F-psi-kBtu/h...), auto (detect automatically, which takes additional time). Default is metric.
  • polling_rate - indicates timers to be used to read or set data. Values are normal and long. Long means waiting longer for http replies and longer delays between the requests, which might be beneficial in case of slow Ariston responces due to internet connection for example. Default is normal to have faster responces.
  • init_during_start - indicates if integration data shall be fetched during Home Assistant start to have valid data when Home Assistant is started (no guarantee that it will succeeed). Value true delays the start time for longer and false for lesser period of time but initially all entities will be unavailable until data is fetched. Default value is true.
  • dhw_flame_unknown_as_on - indicates if unknown value of DHW to be tretaed as ON or OFF (gateway has position for DHW flame but it is never set, so intead value is based on ch_flame and dhw_flame and storage temperature if it is valid). Default value is false.
  • dhw_and_ch_simultaneously indicates if DHW and CH flames can work together in specific hardware (Clas Evo and Genus One can heat only DHW or CH at one time). It affects if ch_flame shall be turned off forcefully when dhw_flame is suspected to be on. Default value is false.


  • power - turn power off and on (on value is defined by power_on attribute).
  • internet_time - turn off and on sync with internet time.
  • internet_weather - turn off and on fetching of weather from internet.
  • ch_auto_function - turn off and on Auto function.
  • dhw_thermal_cleanse_function - DHW thermal cleanse function enabled.


  • account_ch_gas - gas use summary for CH. Not supported on all models.
  • account_ch_electricity - electricity use summary for CH. Not supported on all models.
  • account_dhw_gas - gas use summary for DHW. Not supported on all models.
  • account_dhw_electricity - electricity use summary for DHW. Not supported on all models.
  • ch_antifreeze_temperature - CH antifreeze temperature.
  • ch_detected_temperature - temperature measured by thermostat.
  • ch_mode - mode of CH (manual or scheduled and others).
  • ch_comfort_temperature - CH comfort temperature.
  • ch_economy_temperature - CH economy temperature.
  • ch_set_temperature - set CH temperature.
  • ch_program - CH Time Program.
  • dhw_program - DHW Time Program.
  • dhw_comfort_function - DHW comfort function.
  • dhw_mode - mode of DHW. Not supported on all models.
  • dhw_comfort_temperature - DHW storage comfort temperature. Not supported on all models.
  • dhw_economy_temperature - DHW storage economy temperature. Not supported on all models.
  • dhw_set_temperature - set DHW temperature.
  • dhw_storage_temperature - DHW storage temperature. Not supported on all models.
  • dhw_thermal_cleanse_cycle - DHW thermal cleanse cycle.
  • electricity_cost - Electricity cost.
  • errors - active errors (no errors to test on).
  • gas_type - Gas type.
  • gas_cost - Gas cost.
  • heating_last_24h - energy use for heating in last 24 hours. Not supported on all models.
  • heating_last_30d - energy use for heating in last 7 days. Not supported on all models.
  • heating_last_365d - energy use for heating in last 30 days. Not supported on all models.
  • heating_last_7d - energy use for heating in last 365 days. Not supported on all models.
  • mode - mode of boiler (off or summer or winter and others).
  • outside_temperature - outside temperature. Not supported on all models.
  • signal_strength - Wifi signal strength.
  • units - Units of measurement
  • water_last_24h - energy use for water in last 24 hours. Not supported on all models.
  • water_last_30d - energy use for water in last 7 days. Not supported on all models.
  • water_last_365d - energy use for water in last 30 days. Not supported on all models.
  • water_last_7d - energy use for water in last 365 days. Not supported on all models.

Binary sensors

  • ch_auto_function - if CH AUTO function is enabled.
  • ch_flame - if CH heating is ongoing.
  • ch_pilot - CH Pilot mode.
  • changing_data - if change of data via Home Assistant is ongoing.
  • dhw_flame - if DHW heating is ongoing (not fetched but calculated based on ch_flame, flame, and if valid then dhw_storage_temperature and dhw_set_temperature, and dhw_flame_unknown_as_on for invalid dhw_storage_temperature).
  • dhw_thermal_cleanse_function - DHW thermal cleanse function enabled.
  • flame - if any type of heating water (DHW or CH).
  • heat_pump - if heating pump is ON. Not supported on all models.
  • holiday_mode - if holiday mode switch on via application or site.
  • internet_time - if time from the internet is used.
  • internet_weather - if weather from the internet is used.
  • online - online status.
  • update - if update is available for the integration.

Example of configuration.yaml entry

  username: !secret ariston_user
  password: !secret ariston_password
  max_retries: 5
  localization: 'pl'
    - internet_time
    - internet_weather
    - ch_detected_temperature
    - ch_mode
    - ch_comfort_temperature
    - ch_economy_temperature
    - ch_set_temperature
    - dhw_set_temperature
    - errors
    - mode
    - outside_temperature
    - changing_data
    - online


ariston.set_data - sets data in the boiler. Uses max_retries attribute from configuration.

Service attributes:

  • entity_id - mandatory entity of Ariston climate.
  • for the rest of attributes please see Developer Tools tab Services within Home Assistant and select ariston.set_data. Or you may also directly read services.yaml within the ariston folder.

Service use example

service: ariston.set_data
    entity_id: 'climate.ariston'
    ch_comfort_temperature: 20.5

Some known issues and workarounds

Climate and water_heater entity become unavailable

Since integration interacts with server, which interacts with boiler directly or via gateway, it is possible that some link in the chain is not working. Integration is designed to constantly retry the connection (requests are sent more reearely in case of multiple faults to reduce load on whole chain). Mostly connection recovers in time, but sometimes restart of router or boiler can help (but not always).

Only part of data becomes unavailable after it was available

Even though many functions are not accessible via integration once boiler configuration (parameter 228 in the menu) changed from 1 (boiler with water heater sensor) to 0 (default configuration without sensor), possibly due to packets corruption on the way or some specific bit sequence. It caused Genus One model not being able to handle DHW. The solution is to enter boiler menu directly and change the value of parameter 228. Also boiler might require restart (complete loss of power).

Provide New localizations

Please see files under /ariston/.translations/ and take files like backend.en.json and sensor.en.json as a base. Create files with corresponding name that represent desired language (must be compliant with BCP47) and input translated data into created files from the right side of the data (left side is internal values used by the integration and right side are the values to be shown in the frontend). Then please provide me with mentioned 2 files in order to be included in the integration (to include new language in LANG_LIST within and make it available for everyone).

New sensors/services requests

Since I use scanning of http requests towards web application, and web application provides only data supported by hardware, I can only test what my hardwre supports, which is very limited. So if you would like new sensors or service attributes please follow guides below.

Sensors based on already fetched data from remote server

  • Set store_config_files to true in configuration.yaml to generate files within /config folder based on received data from the server.
  • after Home Assistant restart wait for files data_..._get_main.json, data_..._get_param.json and data_..._get_gas.json to be generated. Store files locally, within the files is the latest configuration.
  • change parameter that you are interested in remotely (via Ariston web or androind or by other means) and wait for new version of files to be generated (either check modification time or delete old files within /config and wait for creation of new files). Compare old and new files with same names to see if parameter is reported as changed.
  • send me information on file name, sensor name (and short description) and parameter in json file that represents parameter. If parameter has values different from ON/OFF or TRUE/FALSE (for example 0, 1 ,5) please provide meaning behind each value. If my hardware does not support values i have no idea of how it should be represented.

Sensors to be based on new requests (if cannot be covered by previous)

Since my web application does not show more options due to heater capabilities support, there are few options:

  • install traffic analyzer (like fiddler) and connect it to web browser (like chrome) and follow Guide_for_new_requests.doc.
  • Never share your password with strangers. Provide me with login and password to do everything myself with your heater and change password after i have fond corresponding requests.

New service request attributes or switches

This is similar case to the sensors based on new requests, see Guide_for_new_requests.doc for details.


Ariston NET remotethermo integration in Home Assistant







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