- Salat: Prayer times in Morocco by cities (According to The Ministry of Endowments and Islamic Affairs) Preview.
- Quran: The official source code repository for Quran.com
- Quran Multi: Read Quran in 90+ Languages. Preview
- Quranaho: Open Source Quran
- Quran Reader: Quran Reader in Arabic.
- Time For Salah Website: A Muslim Prayer Timing Website build with pure JavaScript.
- QuranicAudio: The official Repository of https://quranicaudio.com/
- Hijri JS: A Hijri converter with Javasript
- Pray Times: an Islamic project aimed at providing an open-source library for calculating Muslim prayers times.
- Muslim Mate Website: A website to display dashboard for information needed daily for Muslim (Prayer times, Hijri Calendar, Weather)
- Salat Vue: Worldwide prayers times web application Preview.
- QuranIPFS: Quran over IPFS streaming. Preview.
- Check-hadith: Quran over IPFS streaming web applicatiion PWA. Preview.
- Openadhan: Web application made with Reactjs for calculating Muslim prayer times using local (auto) position or manual position calculated (with city search). Preview.
- Hadith Multi: Hadiths with Multiple Grades & Languages Preview
- Next Salat: A simple web app to browse prayer times in Morocco Preview
- Prayer Times & Mosques Finder: A simple web app get prayer times based on GPS location, and find the nearest Mosques. Preview
- Muslim App: Daily Muslim Android App that contains Prayer times, Rememberance, Qibla Finder, Zakat Calculator and other features.
- Quran: a quran reading application for android
- Wazaker: An islamic app to know about islam, morning and evening azkar, qibla direction, counter.
- Namaz Vakti Android: A useful Application with a set of tools needed by any muslim.
- Qurany App: Open Source HolyQuran app that provide Read, Listen, Tafseer, Test all of them and app is very small size
- QuranOnAndroid: Free open source app to listen Quran online.
- Muslim Mate: an android application to organize Muslims life.
- Kiblat Campass : an app to find Quibla Direction.
- NoorUlHuda: Noor-Ul-Huda is an offline Quran app with Prayer Time and Duas (supplications).
- Quran for Android: a Quran.com offical Android App
- AlQuran Android: Source Code Tutorial App of Al-Quran
- Sunnah Assistant: An android app for setting reminders that help you become a better person.
- LaamMuslimAndroid: Project to find out the prayer schedule, reading the quran, etc.
- Ayatu Rabbi - Quran: The Easiest app to Read Holy Quran
- Al Quran: Al Quran is a 100% Free and Open Source App without any Ads. This is a simple (Text based) Quran app for Android.
- Mi'raj: An app that helps all Muslims around the world perform daily worship, Al-Quran, Qibla direction, Prayer times.
- Holy Quran: Application of Holy book of Muslims, Al-Qur'an. Developed using Flutter The data is fetched using API.
- Prayer Times: A turkish flutter app to shw prayer times.
- Quran Flutter: Quran made with Flutter for All platforms
- Alfanous: an Arabic search engine API provides the simple and advanced search in Quran , more features and many interfaces.
- quran_app: Quran app built with Flutter
- Al-quran-Al-karim: The Noble Qur’an - Hafs from Asim [Arabic Edition]
- SimplyQibla: Minimalist, accurate, and privacy-focused qibla app.
- Quran Ios: A quran reading application for iOS written in Swift.
- Prayer Times: Islamic Prayer (salah) Time calculation written in swift.
- Muslim: A quran and azkar reading application for android written in react native with TypeScript.
- Al-Azan: Privacy-first ad-free open-source muslim Adhan (islamic prayer times) app.
- Open-Mushaf-Native: Open Mushaf Native is a modern and Quran Mushaf application built with Expo and React Native, designed for seamless, immersive reading and interaction on multiple platforms.
- Check-hadith-native:Check hadith nabawi using dorar API. Preview.
- Azkar - Desktop Application shows notification for Azkar that pops-up every specific time 💬, Calculating Muslim prayer times (for any location), and shows Morning and Nights Azkar with reminder ⏰.
- Salawat: A prayer times and Adhan application for Windows, macOS and GNU/Linux written in Java.
- Prayer Times: Desktop application 💻 for calculating Muslim prayer times 🕌 and setting an alarm (Adhan) ⏰ for the prayer times.
- Muezzin: A prayer times and Adhan application for Windows, macOS and GNU/Linux.
- Altaqwaa: An electron-based Azkar/prayer times application for Windows & Linux.
- Hisn-al-Muslim: An app built upon the "Hisn-al-Muslim" book for azkar from the sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) for windows & Linux
- Next Prayer: Islamic prayers reminder for Linux status bar.
- Quran Companion: cross-platform Quran reader & player written in Qt/C++.
- QuranApp: Quran app is an easy to use Quran reader with support for translation in multiple languages and stream beautiful Quran recitation.
- Athany: a lightweight python prayer times/athan 🕌 application for windows and linux that operates offline.
- Eeman: An app that lets you track and get notified of your Salah timings, and read the beautiful Quran written in GTK 4 and Python for Linux.
- Quran.com API: Source code of Quran.com's API
- Quran API: Simple Quran API with Indonesia Tafsir and media audio (murrotal) Syekh. Mishary Rashid Alafasy
- Quran API Multi: Free Quran API Service with 90+ different languages and 400+ translations
- Azkar DB: a dataset that contains Azkar, Duaâ and Rokia in database, .json and .cvs formats.
- Quran JSON: Quran JSON ~ 6236 verses, 114 surah, 30 Juz
- Hadith JSON: A database of the hadiths of the Prophet from 17 books, including the nine books and others.
- The AlAdhan API: this repository powers the AlAdhan.com API on http://api.aladhan.com.
- Quran CSV
- Open Hadith Data: Open Hadith Library of the databases of 9 different books
- Sunnah API: The official API of sunnah.com for retrieving information about hadith collections.
- Hadith API: Free Hadith API Service with Multiple Languages and Multiple Grades
- Quran App Data:A list of Quran Suras in jsonn, images, tafaseer, hadith books json.
- ITL Java : A Java library for calculating prayer (salat) times, Hijri date, and qibla direction, based on ITL (Islamic Tools and Libraries)
- Adhan Java: High precision Islamic prayer time library for Java
- Hijri Date Picker: A library that offers a hijri (Islamic Calendar) Date Picker designed on Google's Material Design Principals For Pickers for Android 5.0 (API 21) +.
- Quran Verses: a library to show random Quran verse in android app.
- Ayah Intellij: Get a verse(an ayah) from the Quran during your coding session stay connected with the words of Allah.
- Muslim DATA: Best Muslim android library that provides: Prayer Times, Offline Geocoder, Names of Allah, and Azkars.
- Azan Library: Library aiming to calculate prayer time with one line code, if you implement prayer time application , there is no need to do this headache again.
- Adhan Swift: High precision Islamic prayer time library for Swift
- Muslim Data: an Islamic library that provides Prayer Times (fixed and calculated), Offline Geocoder, Location Search, Azkars (Hisnul Muslim) and 99 Names of Allah.
- Adhan JS: High precision Islamic prayer time library for Javascript
- Hijri Date Picker: A simple and reusble react component for hijir date pickr
- Open-Mushaf: An open-source Quran Mushaf implementation built with TypeScript, using Next.js, PWA, and TailwindCSS for optimal performance, offline access, and responsive design.
- Adhan CSharp: High precision Islamic prayer time library for CSharp.
- Adhan Python: High precision Islamic prayer time library for Python.
- HijriDate: a Python package to convert accurately between Hijri and Gregorian dates using the Umm al-Qura calendar.
- PyQuran: a Python package which provides tools for Quranic Analysis and Arabic texts.
- pyIslam : a Python library to calculate prayer times, hijri date, qiblah direction and more
- Python Quran ODOA: library to get random ayah within quran surah for supporting "ODOA" (One Day One Ayah) campaign.
- Flutter Qiblah : a plugin that allows you to display Qiblah direction in you app with support for both Android and iOS.
- Adhan Dart / Flutter : Adhan Dart is a well tested and well documented library for calculating Islamic prayer times.
- Prayer Times Extension: Prayer Time Calculation based on Geolocation for Google Chrome
- Quran Extension: Replace the new tab page with Quran verses and beautiful nature pictures.
- Salati: Muslims prayer time extension for Google Chrome.
- Adhan Time: Adhan time Raycast extension for MacOs, download it from Raycast Store.
- Ayah Detection: python scripts to detect ayah markers from quran images .
- Django Quran: Quranic models and helpers for use in Django projects
- Quran Image Generator: a set of scripts that generate Quran page images based on the old madani fonts provided by the King Fahd Quran Complex in Saudi Arabia.
- Quranic Fonts: Arabic fonts used in Tanzil.
- Quran Fonts: A website that contains Quran Fonts and Calligraphy.
- QCF Fonts: Quran complex fonts for every page of the Quran.
- QuranicAudio: A list of quality Quran Recitations used on QuranicAudio.com , get to know more info here.
- Quran Audio Library: Listen to audio recordings to the readers of the complex and translations of Quran.
- EveryAyah: Quran verse-by-verse & page recitations.
- Glorious Qur'an Complex Platform for Developers: Quran fonts & data in multiple forms (json, sql, csv, html)
- Digital Mushaf of Madinah: A huge list of Mushaf digital elements (vectors, HD images, .pdf, .AI). About the project.
- Quran SVG: SVG files for the pages of the Quran
- Quran PDF: Download Quran in .pdf format with different languages.
- Freepik: Graphic resources and illustrations for everyone. Freepik supports arabic in search bar.
- Vecteezy
- Icon8
- PNG Tree
- The Noun Project
- Icon Finder
- Flaticon: Access 8.0M+ vector icons & stickers, Download Free Icons and Stickers for your projects.
Thanks goes to these wonderful people, Jazakoum Allahou Khayran 🤲