KALAH also called MANCALA is a game played on a board of two rows, each consisting of six round pits that have a
large store at either end called kalah.
The object of the game is to capture more seeds than one's opponent.
Discover more about the rules of the game on this file .
Mouad FAKHRI and I ( Kawtar CHOUBARI ) have coded this game on C language with a graphic interface using SDL 2.0 . The interface is shown on French as it was a school project for ENSIAS (National School of Applied Sciences in Rabat, Morocco).
When you open the game, this is the home interface where there is a Play button (Jouer) at the buttom of the window.
Then, you can choose between playing a new game (nouvelle partie) or loading one (charger une partie).
If you choose creating a new game, you can fill some information to play : name of the game, number of seeds initialized on each pit, name of the first and second player. An UNDO (revenir à l'arrière) and NEXT (suivant) buttons are placed at the buttom of each frame.
And here is it, you can start playing with your friend. The name of the player who's turn to play is written on red.
However, if you choose loading a previous game, a list of games saved previously is shown like so, you can type a valid name to continue playing.
On the main game, there is a home icon right up, if you click on it, a menu is shown where you can either create a new game, load one or resume the previous one (reprendre la partie).
Here is the winner interface after the end of the game.
We've organised each frame as a menu linked by buttons, here is the summary:
The different types of buttons used: