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Add Monad instance for Codec'
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Lysxia committed Oct 13, 2016
1 parent 2cd2c1b commit 375d76b
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Showing 5 changed files with 50 additions and 36 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Data/Aeson/Codec.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ type ObjectBuilder = Const (Endo [ Pair ])
type ObjectCodec a = Codec ObjectParser ObjectBuilder a

-- | Produce a key-value pair.
pair :: ToJSON a => T.Text -> a -> ObjectBuilder ()
pair :: ToJSON a => T.Text -> a -> ObjectBuilder b
pair key val = Const $ Endo ((key .= val):)

-- | Read\/write a given value from/to a given key in the current object, using a given sub-codec.
Expand Down
13 changes: 7 additions & 6 deletions Data/Binary/Bits/Codec.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,28 +10,29 @@ import Control.Applicative
import qualified Data.Binary.Bits.Get as G
import Data.Binary.Bits.Put
import qualified Data.Binary.Codec as B
import Data.Functor ((<$))

import Data.Codec
import Data.Word

type BitCodec a = Codec G.Block BitPut a

bool :: BitCodec Bool
bool = Codec G.bool putBool
bool = codec G.bool putBool

word8 :: Int -> BitCodec Word8
word8 = Codec <$> G.word8 <*> putWord8
word8 = codec <$> G.word8 <*> putWord8

word16be :: Int -> BitCodec Word16
word16be = Codec <$> G.word16be <*> putWord16be
word16be = codec <$> G.word16be <*> putWord16be

word32be :: Int -> BitCodec Word32
word32be = Codec <$> G.word32be <*> putWord32be
word32be = codec <$> G.word32be <*> putWord32be

word64be :: Int -> BitCodec Word64
word64be = Codec <$> G.word64be <*> putWord64be
word64be = codec <$> G.word64be <*> putWord64be

-- | Convert a `BitCodec` into a `B.BinaryCodec`.
toBytes :: BitCodec a -> B.BinaryCodec a
toBytes (Codec r w)
= Codec (G.runBitGet $ G.block r) (runBitPut . w)
= codec (G.runBitGet $ G.block r) (runBitPut . (() <$) . w)
26 changes: 13 additions & 13 deletions Data/Binary/Codec.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -27,47 +27,47 @@ byteString :: Int -> BinaryCodec BS.ByteString
byteString n = Codec
{ parse = getByteString n
, produce = \bs -> if BS.length bs == n
then putByteString bs
then putByteString bs >> return bs
else fail "ByteString wrong size for field."

word8 :: BinaryCodec Word8
word8 = Codec getWord8 putWord8
word8 = codec getWord8 putWord8

word16be :: BinaryCodec Word16
word16be = Codec getWord16be putWord16be
word16be = codec getWord16be putWord16be

word16le :: BinaryCodec Word16
word16le = Codec getWord16le putWord16le
word16le = codec getWord16le putWord16le

word16host :: BinaryCodec Word16
word16host = Codec getWord16host putWord16host
word16host = codec getWord16host putWord16host

word32be :: BinaryCodec Word32
word32be = Codec getWord32be putWord32be
word32be = codec getWord32be putWord32be

word32le :: BinaryCodec Word32
word32le = Codec getWord32le putWord32le
word32le = codec getWord32le putWord32le

word32host :: BinaryCodec Word32
word32host = Codec getWord32host putWord32host
word32host = codec getWord32host putWord32host

word64be :: BinaryCodec Word64
word64be = Codec getWord64be putWord64be
word64be = codec getWord64be putWord64be

word64le :: BinaryCodec Word64
word64le = Codec getWord64le putWord64le
word64le = codec getWord64le putWord64le

word64host :: BinaryCodec Word64
word64host = Codec getWord64host putWord64host
word64host = codec getWord64host putWord64host

wordhost :: BinaryCodec Word
wordhost = Codec getWordhost putWordhost
wordhost = codec getWordhost putWordhost

-- | Convert a `BinaryCodec` into a `ConcreteCodec` on lazy `LBS.ByteString`s.
toLazyByteString :: BinaryCodec a -> ConcreteCodec LBS.ByteString (Either String) a
toLazyByteString (Codec r w) = concrete
(\bs -> case runGetOrFail r bs of
Left ( _ , _, err ) -> Left err
Right ( _, _, x ) -> Right x)
(runPut . w)
(runPut . (>> return ()) . w)
38 changes: 25 additions & 13 deletions Data/Codec/Codec.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
module Data.Codec.Codec
( -- * Codecs
Codec'(..), Codec
, codec
, (>-<)
-- * Concrete codecs
, ConcreteCodec, concrete, parseVal, produceVal
Expand All @@ -18,14 +19,16 @@ import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad ((>=>))
import Control.Monad.Reader (ReaderT(..))
import Data.Codec.Field
import Data.Functor ((<$))
import Data.Functor.Compose
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Traversable (traverse)

-- | De/serializer for the given types. Usually w ~ r, but they are separate
-- | De/serializer for the given types. Usually `w ~ r`, but they are separate
-- to allow for an `Applicative` instance.
data Codec' fr fw w r = Codec
{ parse :: fr r
, produce :: w -> fw ()
, produce :: w -> fw r
deriving Functor

Expand All @@ -34,12 +37,21 @@ type Codec fr fw a = Codec' fr fw a a

-- Build up a serializer in parallel to a deserializer.
instance (Applicative fw, Applicative fr) => Applicative (Codec' fr fw w) where
pure x = Codec (pure x) (const $ pure ())
pure x = Codec (pure x) (const $ pure x)
Codec f fw <*> Codec x xw
= Codec (f <*> x) (\w -> fw w *> xw w)
= Codec (f <*> x) (\w -> fw w <*> xw w)

instance (Monad fw, Monad fr) => Monad (Codec' fr fw w) where
return x = Codec (return x) (const $ return x)
Codec a aw >>= f
= Codec (a >>= parse . f) (\w -> aw w >>= \a -> produce (f a) w)

-- | Constructor of basic codecs.
codec :: Functor fw => fr r -> (r -> fw ()) -> Codec fr fw r
codec parse produce = Codec parse (\r -> r <$ produce r)

-- | Associate a `Field` with a `Codec` to create a `Codec` `Build`.
(>-<) :: Functor fr => Field r a x y -> Codec fr fw a -> Build r (Codec' fr fw r) x y
(>-<) :: (Functor fr, Functor fw) => Field r a x y -> Codec fr fw a -> Build r (Codec' fr fw r) x y
Field c g >-< Codec r w
= Build (c <$> Codec r (w . g))

Expand All @@ -48,29 +60,29 @@ Field c g >-< Codec r w
-- | Given a `Codec` for @a@, make one for `Maybe` @a@ that applies its deserializer optionally
-- and does nothing when serializing `Nothing`.
opt :: (Alternative fr, Applicative fw) => Codec fr fw a -> Codec fr fw (Maybe a)
opt (Codec r w) = Codec (optional r) (maybe (pure ()) w)
opt (Codec r w) = Codec (optional r) (traverse w)

-- | Turn a @`Codec` a@ into a @`Codec` b@ by providing an isomorphism.
mapCodec :: Functor fr => (a -> b) -> (b -> a) -> Codec fr fw a -> Codec fr fw b
mapCodec :: (Functor fr, Functor fw) => (a -> b) -> (b -> a) -> Codec fr fw a -> Codec fr fw b
mapCodec = mapCodec'

-- | Map a field codec monadically. Useful for error handling but care must be taken to make sure that
-- the results are still complementary.
mapCodecM :: (Monad fr, Monad fw) => (a -> fr b) -> (b -> fw a) -> Codec fr fw a -> Codec fr fw b
mapCodecM to from (Codec r w)
= Codec (r >>= to) (from >=> w)
= Codec (r >>= to) (\b -> from b >>= w >> return b)

-- | Map the contexts of a given `Codec`.
mapCodecF :: (fr a -> gr a) -> (fw () -> gw ()) -> Codec fr fw a -> Codec gr gw a
mapCodecF :: (fr a -> gr a) -> (fw a -> gw a) -> Codec fr fw a -> Codec gr gw a
mapCodecF fr fw (Codec r w)
= Codec (fr r) (fw . w)

-- | Independently map the two components of a `Codec'`.
-- Generalizes `mapCodec`.
mapCodec' :: Functor fr => (a -> b) -> (c -> d) -> Codec' fr fw d a -> Codec' fr fw c b
mapCodec' :: (Functor fr, Functor fw) => (a -> b) -> (c -> d) -> Codec' fr fw d a -> Codec' fr fw c b
mapCodec' to from (Codec r w)
= Codec (to <$> r) (w . from)
= fmap to $ Codec r (w . from)

-- | Map on the `produce` component of a `Codec`.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -113,7 +125,7 @@ type PartialCodec fr fw a = Codec fr (Compose Maybe fw) a
-- | Finish a codec construction with a @`Con` r@ to produce a `PartialCodec`.
-- This will check that the given record has the appropriate constructor
-- before serializing.
cbuild :: (Functor fr, Buildable r y)
cbuild :: (Functor fr, Functor fw, Buildable r y)
=> Con r x -> Build r (Codec' fr fw r) x y -> PartialCodec fr fw r
cbuild (Con c p) = assume p . build c

Expand All @@ -136,6 +148,6 @@ cd <-> acd = Codec

-- | Attempt to get a serialization for a given value.
produceMaybe :: PartialCodec fr fw a -> a -> Maybe (fw ())
produceMaybe :: PartialCodec fr fw a -> a -> Maybe (fw a)
produceMaybe (Codec _ w) x
= getCompose (w x)
7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions Foreign/Codec.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ module Foreign.Codec
) where

import Control.Monad.Reader
import Data.Functor ((<$))
import Foreign

import Data.Codec.Codec
Expand All @@ -26,7 +27,7 @@ peekWith (Codec r _)
-- | Poke a value using a `ForeignCodec'`.
pokeWith :: ForeignCodec' p a -> Ptr p -> a -> IO ()
pokeWith (Codec _ w) ptr x
= runReaderT (w x) ptr
= runReaderT (() <$ w x) ptr

-- | A codec for a field of a foreign structure, given its byte offset and a sub-codec.
-- You can get an offset easily using @{#offset struct_type, field}@ with @hsc2hs@.
Expand All @@ -38,7 +39,7 @@ field off cd = Codec

-- | A `ForeignCodec` for any `Storable` type.
storable :: Storable a => ForeignCodec a
storable = Codec (ReaderT peek) (\x -> ReaderT (`poke`x))
storable = codec (ReaderT peek) (\x -> ReaderT (`poke`x))

castContext :: ForeignCodec' c a -> ForeignCodec' c' a
castContext = mapCodecF castc castc
Expand All @@ -54,4 +55,4 @@ cBool = castContext storable

-- | Restrict the pointer type of a given codec. Utility function for the @numField@ macro.
codecFor :: c -> ForeignCodec' c a -> ForeignCodec' c a
codecFor _ = id
codecFor _ = id

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