Exploring data from the United Nations to better understand undernourishment.
The primary means of exploring this data:
- Shiny App deployed to: Exploring Undernourishment.
- Shiny App source code:
- Part 1 - Introduction and Overview
- Part 2 - Literature Review
- Part 3 - Data Exploration
- Part 4 - Research Area 1: General Trend
- Part 5 - Research Area 2: Most Successful Countries
- Part 6 - Research Area 3: Surprising Trends
- Part 7 - Research Area 4: Most Influential Indicator
- Part 8 - Recommendations and Conclusions
Data provided by:
Raw data obtained from:
Additional information about the data sources can be found at:
- FAO: Sustainable Development Goals: Indicator 2.1.1 - Prevalence of Undernourishment
- FAO: Food Security Indicators
- Our World in Data: Hunger and Undernourishment
variable | description | type | category |
country |
The country being recorded | identifier | identifier |
year |
The year of record | identifier | identifier |
prevalence_of_undernourishment |
Prevalence of undernourishment (percent) (3-year average) | target | target |
percentage_of_arable_land |
Percent of arable land equipped for irrigation (percent) (3-year average) | other | agriculture |
avg_value_of_food_production |
Average value of food production (constant 2004-2006 I$/cap) (3-year average) | other | economics |
cereal_import_dependency_ratio |
Cereal import dependency ratio (percent) (3-year average) | other | economics |
food_imports_as_share_of_merch_exports |
Value of food imports in total merchandise exports (percent) (3-year average) | other | economics |
gross_domestic_product_per_capita_ppp |
Gross domestic product per capita, PPP, dissemination (constant 2011 international $) | other | economics |
food_production_variability |
Per capita food production variability (constant 2004-2006 thousand int$ per capita) | other | food security |
food_supply_variability |
Per capita food supply variability (kcal/cap/day) | other | food security |
avg_dietary_adequacy |
Average dietary energy supply adequacy (percent) (3-year average) | other | food security |
avg_protein_supply |
Average protein supply (g/cap/day) (3-year average) | other | food security |
avg_supply_of_protein_of_animal_origin |
Average supply of protein of animal origin (g/cap/day) (3-year average) | other | food security |
caloric_energy_from_cereals_roots_tubers |
Share of dietary energy supply derived from cereals, roots and tubers (kcal/cap/day) (3-year average) | other | food security |
number_moderate_food_insecurity |
Number of moderately or severely food insecure people (million) (3-year average) | other | food security |
number_severe_food_insecurity |
Number of severely food insecure people (million) (3-year average) | other | food security |
prevalence_moderate_food_insecurity |
Prevalence of moderate or severe food insecurity in the total population (percent) (3-year average) | other | food security |
prevalence_severe_food_insecurity |
Prevalence of severe food insecurity in the total population (percent) (3-year average) | other | food security |
access_to_basic_drinking_water |
Percentage of population using at least basic drinking water services (percent) | other | health |
access_to_basic_sanitation_services |
Percentage of population using at least basic sanitation services (percent) | other | health |
prevalence_of_anemia |
Prevalence of anemia among women of reproductive age (15-49 years) | other | health |
prevalence_of_obesity |
Prevalence of obesity in the adult population (18 years and older) | other | health |
number_people_undernourished |
Number of people undernourished (million) (3-year average) | other | health |
children_affected_by_wasting |
Percentage of children under 5 years affected by wasting (percent) | other | health |
children_who_are_overweight |
Percentage of children under 5 years of age who are overweight (percent) | other | health |
children_who_are_stunted |
Percentage of children under 5 years of age who are stunted (percent) | other | health |
prevalence_of_breastfeeding_women |
Prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding among infants 0-5 months of age | other | health |
access_to_improved_drinking_water |
Percentage of population using safely managed drinking water services (Percent) | other | health |
access_to_improved_sanitation_services |
Percentage of population using safely managed sanitation services (Percent) | other | health |
prevalence_of_low_birthrate |
Prevalence of low birthweight (percent) | other | health |
rail_line_density |
Rail lines density (total route in km per 100 square km of land area) | other | infrastructure |
political_stability |
Political stability and absence of violence/terrorism (index) | other | politics |