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A Tray/Menubar based Spotify Player

Spotify Tray Application Screenshot


For some time I have wanted a mini player for spotofy that wa accessibile from the MacOS menubar, sure I have found a few ready made apps, some native, some web based but none to my liking, thus enter insert cool app name here my very own Tray/Menubar Spotify Player.


This application is built using React and Electron, this is my first application using electron and so far the process has gone reasonably well. FYI I am using a fork of Electron Castlabs Electron Fork. the reason for us9ng this fork is that as of right now Electron does not yet support playback of DRM content.

Why Electron?

I have been wanting to build something with Electron for a while now, I have just never had a decent enough idea of what to build. Plus the fact that I do not yet know anyother framework that enables me to build cross platform native like applications using JS. I am a fullstack JS developer so Electron seemed like the obvious choice.

Why React?

Simply put... I love React, I am writing React on a daily basis for my fulltime career, I find it easy to work with/develop on. It seems pretty endless in what you can do with it. And It's fast (both in terms of performance and developer experience)

Installation & Useage

One of the reasons behind choosing Electron is that I can package this application up to deleiver and installable .dmg or .exe. However right now I ma having trouble packaging the app due to the use of fork of Electron.

I have temorarily removed the electron package scrips form the package,json until I can get this sorted.

For now you can clone this repo and run the application locally.


  1. Clone the repo
git clone
  1. Enter the directory and install the dependanices using YARN or NPM
cd spotify-tray-application && yarn install
  1. Start the application and the dev server
yarn electron-dev

The tray application will start and will also open the chrome developer tools. If all goes well clcking on the new Spotify tray cion should open a small window with an input field to enter your Spotofy access token.

This view has no styles yet and is only here as a temporary mesaue until I have implimented an authentication server to handle the auth flow. You can get your auth token from here

Clicking go should instansiate the Spotofy Web Playback SDK passing in your auth token.

Once the SDK is loaded and ready for use Spotfy playback should be transfered to the Spotify tray application and start playing, the tray application is treated as a Spotify Conect player so can be selected from your Spotify app as a playback device.

As of right now only basic playback controls have been implimented. There is very little error handling so expect this to break. Without the auth server your token is only valid for an hour so after an hour the player will fail to authenticate presenting you with the token input screen again for a new token to be entered.

Task List

  • Authentication server to handle user login and token regeneration
  • Tests....... lots of tests
  • Basic playback controls
  • Replace styled-css-grid with own custom implimentation to reduce bundle size and dependancy list
  • Improve the player styling, I have been following this design from Dribble so far
  • Add Storybook
  • Move presentational components out of containers and into the components directory, adding stories for each one for visibility in storybook
  • Fix bottom whit margin visible below the album artwork
  • Implement player progress bar (duration and currentPosition variables are already available)
  • Refactor to use Hooks and context for state management
  • Reactor logic to create the Spotofy player and the event listeners and move out of the App.jsx file
  • Figure out how to auto resize the Electron browser window based on the application height. For context I aim to add views to show upcoming tracks and and playlist selection, right now I would like this to appear underneath the player and for the window to expand it's height
  • Add endpoint for selecting a random song/playlist/artist and start playback (Thought this might be a fun way to discover some new music)
  • Add many more things to this todo list :D


A tray/menubar mini player for Spotify






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