Universal converter.
* Date and time
* Types (integer and float)
* Bit operations
* JSON and array conversions
* Checks
#####From src
Include to html header
<script type="text/javascript" src="~path/converter.js"></script>
or the minified version
<script type="text/javascript" src="~path/converter.min.js"></script>
and then use class instance
var converterObj = new converter();
var converter = require("~path/converter");
var converterObj = new converter();
binary to octal
binToOct(input, callback);
binary to decimal
binToDec(input, callback);
binary to hexadecimal
binToHex(input, callback);
octal to binary
octToBin(input, callback);
octal to decimal
octToDec(input, callback);
octal to hexadecimal
octToHex(input, callback);
decimal to binary
decToBin(input, callback);
decimal to octal
decToOct(input, callback);
decimal to hexadecimal
decToHex(input, callback);
hexadecimal to binary
hexToBin(input, callback);
hexadecimal to octal
hexToOct(input, callback);
hexadecimal to decimal
hexToDec(input, callback);
date now
date now to seconds
date to seconds
dateToSeconds(input, callback);
seconds to date
secondsToDate(input, callback);
get timezone
time difference
timeDifference(from, to, callback);
int to float
intToFloat(input, digits, callback);
float to int
floatToInt(input, callback);
float rounded
floatRounded(input, callback);
get bit value in position
getBit(input, position, callback);
shift left
shiftLeft(input, bits, callback);
shift right
shiftRight(input, bits, callback);
shift zero-fill right
shiftZeroRight(input, bits, callback);
bitwise AND
bitAnd(input1, input2, callback);
bitwise OR
bitOr(input1, input2, callback);
bitwise XOR
bitXor(input1, input2, callback);
bitwise NOT
bitNot(input, callback);
array to JSON (only values)
[ val1, val2, ... ] -> { "0" : val1, "1" : val2, ... }
arrayToJson(input, callback);
array to JSON (keys and values)
[ key1, val1, key2, val2, ... ] -> { key1 : val1, key2 : val2, ... }
arrayToJsonKeyVal(input, callback);
JSON to array (only values)
{ key1 : val1, key2 : val2, ... } -> [val1, val2, ... ]
jsonToArray(input, callback);
JSON to array of arrays
{ key1 : val1, key2 : val2, ... } -> [ [ key1, val1 ], [ key2, val2 ], ... ]
jsonToArrayofArrays(input, callback);
JSON to string
jsonToString(input, callback);
string to JSON
"{\"key1\" : \"val1\", \"key2\" : \"val2\"}";
stringToJson(input, callback);
array to string
arrayToString(input, separator, callback);
e.g. arrayToString([1,2,3], "&", function(res){
console.log(res); // res = "1 & 2 & 3"
string to array
stringToArray(input, separator, callback);
e.g. stringToArray("5.7.8", ".", function(res){
console.log(res); // res = [5, 7, 8]
check MAC
checkMac(input, callback);
check IP
checkIP(input, callback);
check type of
checkIfNull(input, callback);
checkIfUndefined(input, callback);
checkIfFunction(input, callback);
checkIfObject(input, callback);
checkIfArray(input, callback);
checkIfString(input, callback);
checkIfNumber(input, callback);
checkIfBoolean(input, callback);
get type of
check(input, callback);